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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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AXLES PI10PElLEl1 SHAFTS 10 17 to the differential case rotates the case The differen fFE AL V AMc JEEP AXLE tial pinion gears which are mounted on the pinion mate shaft which is fitted in the case rotate the side Disassembly Fig 10 33 gears The side gears which are splined to the axle shaftshrotate the shafts NOTE Ii is not necessary to remove the rear axle as During straight ahead driving the differential Sembgy to Overhaugihe d ff emiag pinion gears do not rotate on the pinion mate shaft because input torque on thegears is equally divided be lll Relllllv axle Shaft l t 8199 and Fnmlnlng tween the two side gears As a result the pinion gears huts revolve with the pinion shaft but do not rotate around 2 Raise and 5 DP0l V hl l it fig 10 3 3 Remove axle housing cover and drain lubricant When turning corners the outside wheel has to 4 Remove Wheels brake drums hubs axle travel farther than the inside wheel This difference in Shalil and Seals Keel left and Flgllt Sldfl axle P3 5 travel must be compensated for in order to prevent Pa1alZ9d the wheels from scuffing and sliding through the turn 5 Mark bnarlng caps Wlth center Punch f l 85 To accomplish this the differential becomes effective Semblv F l V nc9 p and allows the axle shafts to rotate at unequal speeds 6 Loosen lJ 3 l lnE can hnlts llntll nlY Several fig 10 32 threads are engaged then pull bearing caps away from bearings This will prevent differential from fall ing out and sustaining damage when pried from axle L iiL o 3L I 8 2 e Zi o 3il lw Sl g or case svzzo 7 Pry differential loose in axle housing 8 Remove bearing caps and remove differential p N qN 9 Tie differential bearing shims to their respec GEAR Sasa tive bearing caps and cups to prevent misplacement Iiliinranlial Burlng Ramoval I Use Puller J 2497 01 to remove differential bearing I n cones from differential case fig 10 34 When using this tool be sure it pulls on bearing cone in such a J manner that rollers are free If puller bears on bearing roller cage it will damage cage m g E 1s 11 1 MO 13 l1Ini Gur Ikmnval d f 1 Remove ring gear to if erential case bolts Flu 10 31 Dlllumilial i0ra1I0n Str Ii llI Ali iI Driving 2 Using brass drift mp ring gm from casa D0 not nick ring gear face of differential case or drop CAUTION Do not chisel or wedge gear from case ourzn wasn mov oirrznsnmai amuse wnssi nov case seesn use srseo 90 case srzso ll Pinion Iliatn Sllait Iiamml I 1 Using 3 16 inch diameter drift at least 3 inches E long drive out lockpin that holds pinion mate shaft in place rig 10 35 ll 2 Remove pinion mate shaft and remove thrust 5 Q block fig 10 36 3 Roll pinion gears around on side gears until Qlllwg they can be removed from case then remove side 4 L gears and thrust washers Pinon Gm Removal Pi io GEARS not HE 1 Remove pinion nut using Tool J 8614 1 or 1 J 8614 10 and Niit Socket Tool J mis rig msi Anniin 1 2 Remove yoke using Tool J 8614 1 or J 8614 10 Hq 10 32 0ili r nilaI 0paraiian 0n Tum and Tool J 8614 2 and 3 fig 10 38