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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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10 32 IlXLES PHOPELLER SHAFTS VI Backlash must be between 0 005 inch to 0 010 inch If 0 006 inch indicates sprung differential case dirt be backlash is incorrect install shims between differen tween case and gear or loose ring gear bolts tial hearing shim packs until correct backlash is ob t13 Remove universal joint yoke and install oil seal tninctl using Driver J 25104 on all axles except Model 60 rear axle Use Driver J 25110 on Model 60 rear axle NOTE 1onyl 1g position ofu 0 005 inch shim from 14 Install universal joint yoke using Tool J 25173 you sole to the other will change the mnmnzt of fig 10 30 Install pinion washer and nut Tighten nut lunl l 1 1tr 1y1I 4 t li ltlle ly0 UO3 i7LCl l to 210 foot pound torque Models 30 and 44 or 260 foot pounds torque Model 60 112 Check ring gear runout A reading in excess of 15 Install axle shafts and axle housing cover Page Page Assembly l 10 36 Opmliun 10 32 Disassembly l l l l l 10 33 Uparallanal Tos l l l 10 33 Drairiinytuhricanl 10 32 Truuhln Symptoms l l l 10 32 Lubrication 10 32 Trac Lok llaplmmanl l l l l 10 31 gpgqmgu LUBIIIIIATIDN A conventional differential transmits all of the ring Tl1 TY fi l f l differential F lllll S 3 5l lal gear torque through the differential gears to the axle lubricant Ol flll 3l Y m lllP l P0 r Beal lubllcants hal ts Torque is at all times equal on the axle shafts MUST NOT ll i d Use Jeep Lubrleenb part number and if one wheel slips the other wheel can only put 899l0l8 0l Q llVal ll ui ag much torque as the Slipping wheey Trac Lok differentials may be cleaned only by dis assembling the unit and wiping with clean rags The Trac Lok differential differs in that part of the NOTE The TmC LOk differemml is Serviced at the torque from the ring gear is transmitted through ZS th t d dd ti I vlutch packs between the side gears and differential www mw emu M gb lm ar Urfwen ai vase The multiple disc clutches with radial grooves on the plates and concentric grooves on the discs are en Tnuumi SYMPTDMS i1 v l lu ll w lvad from Belleville DFl E Dllfs lf noises or roughness such as chatter occur when l aYet l forces mm the Slde gears as torque le turning corners the probable cause is incorrect or con upplicd through the ring gear taminated iubricanti Before any differential is removed and disassem Thc Trmok S r rm d bled io chatter complaints that li ii proper action when required for turning corners and transmits e n 1 t r l s in wh 1 wh dma l b a t S s d Kimi ht ahgada Hg r Owiilen Dneeilzeei Sgmumellg A complete lubricant drain and refill with specified Z E differential lubricant will usually correct chatter icc or leaves the ground and spins the clutch packs automatically provide more torque to the wheel which is not spinning The Trac Lok differential resists DRIINING LUBIIICAIIT wheel spin on bumpy roads and provides more pulling in Warm lubricant by driving vehicle fm 5 power when one wheel tries to slip Pulling power will minutes of Operation in gem at 30 mph with Wheels be automatically provided until both wheels start to Otygmimdion iwisti slip If with unequal traction both wheels slip Trac Lok operation is normal In extreme cases of dif WARNING Never place the trarwmisswn in gear ferences in traction the wheel with the least traction with the engine running when only one uaheel of a may spin after the Trac Lok has transferred as much Trac Loh equipped vehicle is raised The oehwk niight torque as possible to the nonslipping wheel drive i seU off the jmck and cause damage or injury