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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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12 1 hp Pm from Axla wlI II I Cantrul lI vIo 4 12 1 spring Ilmul Alum AxI 4 12 3 Gmral 4 4 4 4 IZ 1 Spring Mum I v1 AxI 12 2 Shock Ahsorlnrs 4 12 1 Staldllnr lar 4 12 2 Sprlnlls 4 12 1 Torque Smiilcallnm 12 1 Sprlml lashing Iioplmnm 4 4 124 GENERAL The bracket is attached to the inner side of the right A 4 frame rail adjacent to and approximately seven inches All vehlelee have eem el p eel leaf eprmze end above the front axle carrier housing Duriug severe op double action hydraulic shock absorbers A front axle orotlon wnon oxtrcrnc Spring doflcctlon ond front nxlc stabilizer bar is standard lon the 8000 GVWR Model 46 trnvcl occurs thc rnbbor bornpcr on tho control con Truck end CJ modele wllh the molded hard we A tacts s pad on the front axle housing to prevent exces frogilstabilizer bar is optional on all other Jeep glue nlovorncntoftbol lonslng SPRINGS SIIDCK AISDIIBEIIS Q e ge pre mgeefge pjlellgl hl the e ed fj The hydraulic double action Shar absorbers l1S9d bm s de fizwar ee P 9 r m1pr n s all t 8 on Jeep vehicles are designed to control suspension liar kin 3 tn eg ear Sprilllgs are R id y lggnxg Sprint movement The upper ends of the shock absor 5 ac ee Q E m E Oppos e Q ME ber are attached to the vehicle frame rails with to fixed pivot points on the frame All spring ends mounting brackets and pins The lower ends are have Lsilent block type rubber bushings These rubber attached to the Springs or MMA Rubber bushings are bushings slmuld n v rb l bn d installed between the mounting pins and shock eyes All front Springs oro monntool bolow tho oxlo Movement at the bushings is absorbed by flexing of Cherokee Wagoneer and Truck models use multi leaf the ruhher 0r taper leaf springs fig 12 1 through 12 3 Squeaking may occur when movement between the All eemee me mee ee QJ meme eee rhhher hnhrhg and the har para mh rr be mounted above the axle CJ model springs are multi 1 eliminated by placing the bushings under increased caf springs and are mounted below the axle fig I compression by tightening the mounting bots and 12 M Rear Springs on Cherokelb Wagomen and Truck nuts D0 not use mineral lubricants on rubber bush models are multi leaf springs or tapered leaf springs ing fig 12 5 and 12 6 All eerlhee are eteeehed to the exle l v U l ol e The shock absorbers are not refillable or adjustable enrme eeddlee lwelded to rhe exlesl and he eletee ir a rhairhhrtisr occurs the shark absorber must be Ther Should he cheeked eeeeeh vehicle lneveetlon replaced Ta test h unit hold it ih ah upright position Sp lng oontor bolts oro osod to nllgn ond bold the and wonk the plunger up and down four or five times spring leaves in position The springs should be ex The h tl h thrbhlh the full strblrb Should he emooeh amined periodically for broken or shifted leaves loose end Wlih hh equal hrh hb of rhblshhhce rh each d or missing rebound clips and broken center bolts l h F 0 AXLE w P c U EV c NOTE The shock piston is smoothly machined to work through a tight seal in the upper end of the A front axle windup control device is used on all shock absorber body D0 not rcrughen the piston with models The control device consists of a stamped pliers or similar tools during replacement This will bracket with a rubber bumper affixed to it fig 12 7 destroy the effectiveness ofthe seal