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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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l3A l Pm Pm Alr Bomlltlnnlnq Syslm 3A l ll rmI Dporallng T mp ralur and Pr mr I3A zn Chawla ll1 Syrlnm 4 4 4 13A 10 hrlomanca lllngrmls 4 13A z Dlncklnu Syslun Prmura 4 13A I Prmura Dlsunnsls 13A 3 lilmklnu lar Lulu 4 4 13A 9 Prnmra Imp and lhnllall humbly 13A 5 Compnmr 4 l3A l 1 Rnlrmram Salaly Prmullnns 4 13A 5 Dondnnm and Rmlvsr Dryar Ammhly l3A l6 Mrlgmllan Gym 4 4 13A 4 lllsunarulng uu Syslun I3 1 rvlc lltlvu 13A 5 Evauunilnu lhs Symn 13A 7 Slqht Elm 4 13A 7 Evnpmtor lluuslnu Amnlly 13A I6 Syrian Dumynnmu Fuimlnn l3I 4 Expxnslan VaIv Sorvlua 4 13A 20 symm Control S rvlc 13A 20 lllaunallc Clutch 4 13A 15 Symm Trnuhlasmllng 13A 16 Magnotlc Clutch Trauhlnshunllnq 4 4 13A 19 AIR C0 0 6 SYSTEM hoses check the radiator for rust or scaling conditions and make sure that the condenser is free of bugs or W df e an con iioner aso can e use or as e 1 When driving at normal highway speeds the Jeep izgghegefoggmg of windows during cool damp air conditioning unit will provide maximum efficiency However when operating under stop and go city driv The colwienser is mounted ahlwd of the admmr and ing conditions a slight reduction in cooling efficiency the mmammg compmems are m the engine compa generally will be experienced ment It is recommended that meximum temperature eett The compressortis a two cyl1nder belt driven pump ing be used for average city driving and intermediate A l tr m g t l F h pleS the mpr s tempereture Setting for highwey driving the drive pulley Thetdrive pulley freewheels when the The same air conditioning unit as shown for the mrcmdmnnerls nun usa We Oneer in gre 3M is appme W Cherokee I 2 i d 2 2E f L 22 Q 0L Zi T iI 2 and Truck Nlolielil air conditioner to reduce the battery load and provide When driving at relatively high speed for an ex easiereterting tended period of time the cooling coil may possibly frost over resulting in a temporary loss of cooling Should this occur simply turn the TEMP knob to OFF e and allow the blower to operate for a few minutes to 1 i allow the cooling coil to defrost Then turn the TEMP I j yw AIR knob to a setting which is not as cold as the setting at F B i I R L which frosting occurred i V Q fx ROL To maintain maximum cooling efficiency periodi rt mos cally remove bugs and foreign matter from the con l I denser and radiator ins DO NOT install a bug screen V or other screen material in front of the condenser and i T c radiator V j f Water forming under a vehicle at a point below the K cooling case is condensation water draining from the unit and is considered normal The engine TEMP gauge pointer will indicate a A U F E Am slightly higher than normal temperature when the air TL L UVEHs 14265 conditioning unit is operating However should exces sive overheating occur check the condition of all water Fly l3l l Mr COMlil n r l h f k Vl n Ir Trlll k