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Technical Service Manual January 1975 |
llEA lL ll llIl EXTEIIIIJII DEDALS Allll UVEIILAYS Z0 1 5 Squeegee a short section of decal at the center b Lift lower area of decal up to bonded area l Lift right or left side of decal position it straight and and working downward from bonded section at cen close to panel and squeegee toward lifted edge Avoid ter squeegee decal into place stetching decal at lifted edge Squeegee progressively from center with firm overlapping strokes NOTE Lf a wrinkle is trapped during sequeegee op a Lift upper area of decal up to bonded area eratizms stop immediately Carejltlly lift affected sec and working upward from the bonded section at cen tion align section to panel and prgressively seqaeegee ter squeegee decal into place decal into place REREIIAL Scissors The Opaque exterior woodgrain overlay panels 3 g ge g l i majrhaf a b Wg g t V y llupule supply of wetting solution by thoroughly an 3ve a Pressurysensl we M F presfur mixing two to three teaspoons of detergent Joy Vel w beck iromad by k mh lu equivalent in uus gallon of uuleu The use ll ll rembfild dal lnlimua 0I ll smlulawdlwgpdmiln ls wetting solution will provide a better bond between ilu B m t Q cas Vmy or 3 ongu as mg a mc overlay and painted surface Too much detergent will we appearance reduce the effectiveness of the bond Do not use soap REPAIRS IIEMIJVAL Small nicks bruises or scratches can be touched up lll Clean repair Surfaces adjacent panels and 0p with paint in much the same manner as painted sur wings as required faces Proper color match can be obtained by blending 2 Remove lock assembly mu talllampsy and or Sm8ll m l 0 pI pm galnt fl and then other overlay overlapping parts from affected panel applymg wl eaf eugli r a t eovgr ala 3 Remove overlay by starting at one edge and Repair blisters or air bubbles by piercing them with peeling it from painted surfam Apply heat m Overlay a sharp needle or pin Work the trapped air out w faclllmte removal through the pin hole and press the overlay firmly against the panel It may be necessary to preheat the NOTE A d t d lm t ls lh panel slightly to soften the adhesive Heat also may be may dam0 gLmet g gt l0 ZT M T S rp 00 as W applied to remove small wrinkles or irregularities 4 Remove adhesive residue from painted surface PREPAIIATIIIII with BM Adhesive Cleaner xylol isopropyl alcohol or Workroom temperature should be between 65 F equlvalenn and 90 F Overlays should not be replaced in tem peratures below 65 F III I AI I ATIUII The f w t wl mais M Mm lll suunsuud pulllall surface with N0 360 Ol No sary to make overlay installation 400 Slmdpapen Liquid detergent Joy Vel or equivalent Wax and silicone remover 3M Adhesive Cleaner NOTE Freshly painted Surfaces must be llmrlmghly A ryIl CI P p S li XyI l or Equlvalentl dry Residual solvents in fresh paint may cause over isopropyl alcohol rubbing alcohol lay to bllkterl Squeegee four to five inches wide plastic or herd rubber 2 Clean painted surface with wax and silicone Water bucket and P g remover 3M Adhesive Cleaner Acrylic Clean xylol S dI p N 369 er 400 w t dry type or equivalent Wipe surface with clean cloth and 750 F heat gun with grounding adapter or in allow to dry frared heat bulb and extension cord Clean wiping rags or paper towels 3 Position overlay on repair panel surface and Sharp knife single edge razor blade or Exacto mark approximate outline of overlay with a grease knife pencil