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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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ALPHABETIBAL INDEX rn ef M Continued Motor heater defroster blower 4 13 7 Panels rear quarter 4 14 S Motor starter t t t 3 32 Parking brake adjustment 4 9 1 Motor tailgate window 4 3 88 Parking lamps 4 4 3 67 Motor wiper two speed CJ 17 7 Pawl tilt lock 4 i 19 2 Motor wiper two speed Cherokee Wagoneen Pinion angle chart 10 40 Truck i i i i 17 7 Pins piston V 8 i 1B 31 Motorcraft alternator 3 11 Pins piston six cyl i i 1A 30 lltlotorcraft alternator testing 4 3 15 Piston fitting V 8 4 1B 31 Motorcraft alternator troubleshooting 3 13 Piston fitting six cyl 1A 29 Piston pins V 8 4 1B 31 Piston pins six cyl 1A 30 O Piston rings V 8 4 1B 32 Piston rings six cyl 1A 29 Pistons six cyl 4 1A 28 Odometer setting procedure 3 63 Pistons V 8 IB 31 Oil filter V 8 i 1B 24 Pivot vent window Cherokee 4 15 10 Oil filter six cyl 1A 22 Plate vehicle identification 4 A 4 Oil filter change B 4 Plates restrictor t 4A 15 Oil pan V 8 1B 24 Plugs spark 4A 28 Oil pan six cyl i 1A 21 Positive Crankcase Ventilation PCV Oil pressure gauge and sending unit test 4 3 57 system 4 4A 20 Oil pressure gauge calibrations 3 57 Positive Crankcase Ventilation PCV valve 4A 21 Oil pressure relief valve V 8 1B 24 Power brake diagnosis 4 9 2 Oil pump V 8 1B 24 Power brake units 4 9 14 Oil pump six cyl 1A 23 Power steering t 11 40 Operation heater and defroster o 13 2 Power steering gear service 4 11 44 Outside door handle 4CJ 15 2 Power steering gear specifications 11 62 Outside door handle tCherokee Wagoneer Power steering periodic maintenance 4 4 11 44 Truck 15 5 Power steering pump inspection 4 4 11 59 Overhaul carburetor 4 12 Power steering pump service 4 4 4 11 57 Overhaul differential AMC Jeep axle 10 17 Power steering pump specifications 44 11 62 Overhaul differential axle Models 30 44 60 10 25 Power train combinations charts A 10 Overhaul disc brake caliper i 9 33 Power unit service 4 4 9 14 Overlays i 20 7 Precautions referigerant safety 13A 5 Pressures air conditioning normal operating temperatures and 13A 20 Propeller shafts and universal joints 4 10 38 P Pump air 4 4 7 Pump oil six cyl 4 4 1A 23 Pump oil V 8 4 1B 24 PCV air inlet filter maintenance 4A 21 Pump water 4 4 4 44 2 6 PCV system V 8 4 4 4A 21 Pump windshield washer 4 4 4 4 17 12 PCV system six cyl t 44 4A 20 PCV valve test 4A 21 Pad crash CJ 18 3 Q Pad crash Cherokee Wagoneer Truck 4 18 3 Paint option number i A 4 Paint repair kits molded top i 20 2 Quadra Trac transfer case lubrication 4 4 44 8 13 Pan oil V 8 4 t o 1B 24 Quadra Trac emergency drive 4 8 11 Pan oil six cyl i i 1A 21 Quadra Trac reduction unit 8 11 Panel heater control 4 13 5 Quadra Trac stick slip condition 4 44 8 12 Panel instru ment CJ i 18 2 Quadra Trac transfer case 4 4 4 4 8 11 Panel instrument Cherokee Wagoneer 1 ruck 18 2 Quadra Trac transfer case 4 4 4 4 44 44 B 11 Panels i 4 14 8 Quadra Trac transfer case torque bias check 8 13 Panels galvanized i 4 4 14 8 Quarter doors and rear 4 44 4 15 1