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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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3 FOREWORD This manual contains the latest service information for all 1976 Jeep vehicles Adjustment diagnosis disassembly repair assembly and instal lation procedures along with specifications and torque references are included in each section The Section Index on the opposite page allows you to locate any desired section quickly At the beginning of each section is an index which gives the page number on which major subjects begin An alphabetical index is included in the back of this manual All information and specifications in this manual are based on the latest data available at the time of publication Jeep Corporation reserves the right V to discontinue models and change specifications or design without notice or incurring obligation I Brand names mentioned in this manual are for convenience only and are I not intended as a recommendation to use a specific brand of product They are indicative of a class or type and may be substituted by their equivalent r r i L 4 V i