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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI NIAINTENANIIE ll I cy I tt L ri w z c l V l U M TQ 1 r v i 4 f vw are vmlnwW k 6 i nswtovs sou Y 5 ro tusntcns V unt sws sto j t oc t mc nsanwann Y tvs sttctnet 3 ri X y Fl IM Pmnr slnrlng liar Pimp lllpsllck Ltmllnn Hg B 3 Ilutnl Smrlnq Ear Flll N0l Ln llun Staring Llnkm Lubricate tie rod ends and connecting rod ends using AM All Purpose Lubricant or equivalent or paw Smmw gw pu multi purpose chassis lubricant lithium base Lubricant level een be cheeked with ntiid either hot Enlsslnn Control S rvlo s h r0k Wagonaar Tmcli or cold lf below the FULL HOT or FULL COLD mar king on the dipstick attached to the reservoir cap fig DTIII NIB Bf4 dd f k p flmd Such as AM Aummatlc Trans Check belts driving fan air pump alternator power mission Fluid or equivalent brand labeled Dexron steering pump and ni conditioning compressor for ks fraying wear and general condition Use Ten wtttuenntti wtelttt sttttmtttt dau ge J 23600 to check drive belt tension Com pare reading obtained against the tension specified for R v gh wmdshlellawasher s I n wl aquelitv used belts shown in the following chart If installing a was er S0 mt W V l System Z p g d new belt use the initial tension setting shown in the weather For warmer weather use plain water Do not Cham use anti freeze or other solutions that can damage the paint Drlvo llall T nsI0n Pounds Blnssls Lubrlullon CJ lAnd Is Driv E I Nm B I Used Bnlt Lubricate the following components every 5 000 Awogndmow 125 M55 90 0115 miles for vehicles in normal service For vehicles in At p m c pQ QQyi eiei l U l i i i i heavy duty service lubrlcate every 3 000 miles with power tteetttiq 12s te 155 so to its att rtrrttp twttt power steering J Stnch bell 6510 75 6010 70 lilulclt Llnlnp Fattxattetttater tz5 to155 so tu ns Power steering etitttp tz5 to155 so toI15 Apply AM All Purpose Lubricant or equivalent or mm bm wxmmiom IWW only W npmmm Nm Om l bm multi purpose chassis lubricant lithium bw at the tt t tt tertrtettert and tttt tt in emtaetea aaa tr tt 4 atettta i clutch bellcrank There are two lube fittings on the miunatomnnntrpwuiuniem bellcrank s 54 t