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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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IA 18 SIX CYLINDER ENGINE VI 3 If removed install damper pulley and retaining Inxlallallnn Zagscrews tighten the screws to 23 foot p0unds tor 1 Apply seal compound Perfect Sea or lt tobth d z kt Leng gg gj t gg i0 g S gg g g 0 lE ZSi3mg s s c Tll lJilZc T 1 g g 0 g 2 Cut end tabs of a new oil pan seal same as was TIMING c SE cov cut off original seal A EN 3 Coat seal end tabs generously with Permatex No 2 or equivalent and position seal on timing case The timing case cover is provided with a seal and c0v9y fjg A 24 oil slinger to prevent oil leakage at the vibration dam per hub A hole is provided in the cover for the use of CUT HERE a magnetic timing probe A graduated degree scale 3 s cast into the cover is used for ignition timing fig 4 I y 1A 23 Refer to Section 4A for magnetic timing probe usage and ignition timing procedure V t J lt is important that the timing case cover be pro I perly aligned with the crankshaft to prevent eventual cm HERE damage to the oil seal The oil seal may be replaced without removing the timing case cover AJ Flu IA Z4 UII Pan Front Sul Installatlnn l I SESQLIQDN 46 4 POSIIIOH timing 09 56 COVE OH I Igll l Place COVER Timing Case Cover Alignment Tool and Seal Installer J 22248 on crankshaft and seal opening of cover fig Q W 1A 25 V r l i rela v st x A r W x s SEAL Timms SLINGER p i Ti PROBE Q nots Mss Z Hg lA 23 Tlmlng Ihs C v r gi y llamcval TOOL 1 Remove drive belt s radiator fan and hub as J 2Z24B sembly damper pulley if equipped and vibration damper 2 Remove oil pan to timing case cover screws and cover to block screws 60119 3 Raise timing case cover enough to detach pil M45 1m nuc u y rA ynm nr retaining nibs of oil pan seal from bottom side of cover this must he done to prevent pulling the seal end tabs away from the tongues of the oil pan gasket 5 Install cover to block screws and oil pan t0 which would cause an oil leak and necessitate removal cover screws Tighten cover to block screws to 5 foot of the oil pan to correct pounds torque and oil pan to cover screws to 11 foot 4 Remove timing case cover and gasket from en pounds torque gine 6 Remove cover aligning tool and place a new oil 5 Cut off oil pan seal end tabs flush with front seal on tool with seal lip facing inward Apply a light face of cylinder block and remove seal film of Perfect Seal or equivalent on outside diameter 6 Clean timing cass cover oil pan and cylinder of seal block gasket surfaces 7 Insert draw screw from Tool J 9163 into seal 7 Remove crankshaft oil seal from timing case installing tool and press seal into cover until bottomed cover in cover opening fig IA 26