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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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lk ZZ SIX CYLINDER ENGINE VI Place ajack under the transmission bell housing 4 Install seal in recess of the rear main bearing Disconnect engine right support cushion bracket cap making certain it is fully seated from block and raise the engine to allow suffi 5 Apply engine oil to oil pan contacting surface cient clearance for oil pan removal of the front and rear oil pan seals 4 Remove oil pan 6 Install oil pan and tighten drain plug securely 5 Remove oil pan front and rear neoprene oil 7 If disconnected lower engine and connect right seals and side gaskets support cushion bracket to block Remove the jack 6 Thoroughly clean gasket surfaces of oil pan 8 lnstallstarter motor and engine block Remove all sludge and dirt from oil 9 Lower vehicle and fill the crankcase with new pan sump oil Installation UIL FILTER 1 Install a new oil pan front seal to timing chain A uu HOW Oil filter mounted on the lower right Vel and apply a gellelplls alllellllt l Jeep Gasllet lll hand side of the engine is accessible through the hood a Tllpe RTV slll el l q V l l lp elle end sapla opening A bypass valve incorporated in the filter l2 C m new ell pall slde gaskets lllm p sltl ll mounting boss on the cylinder block provides a safety ll ellgllle bl l and appl a gellelells alllelllll Jeep factor if the filter becomes clogged as a result of dirt Gasket In a Tube RTV silicone or equivalent to the O Sludge accumulation mg 1A 31 gasllet e ls Tool J 22700 will facilitate removal of the oil filter 3 C l l Sl l curved surface ef a llew ell pall Before installation apply a thin film of oil to the new rear seal Wlsll seap alla appllpa gellelells allleullt lll filter gasket Install filter until gasket contacts the Jeep Gasket In a Tube RTV silicone or equivalent to Seat of the adapter then tighten Securely by hand sllle gasket mntaellllg surface lll sealellll tabs only Operate engine at fast idle and check for leaks svI Ass vAI vE s RINo FILTER RETAINER svr Ass VALVE I IL1 e CONNECTOR Q X e L FILTER l BUSWNG DRIVE GEAR SPRING AssEMsLv RETAINER In RELIEF gE g kTO l VALVE G A GASKET L MQW rum ml n G eoov In ll 6 4 Illm 0IL PRESSURE x s IlKEI RELIEF SPRING 1 gglawin To GASKET l I 4 I LER Q k COTTER csAR O pump R N 4 covzR oIL INLET rusE AND scnszu ASSEMBLV Amoaz Flu IA 31 0il Fillur and Dil Pump Assurnbly