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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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V 8 ENGINE IB 3 qfivht A small passage within the front camshaft bearing TIMING journal channels oil through the camshaft sprocket to ggcg E j the timing chain cover area where the chain and e g sprockets throw off oil to lubricate the distributor J gears and fuel pump eccentric This oil returns to the r V ef oil pan by passing under the front main bearing cap ju The oil supply for the rocker arm assemblies is T4 gelyi metered through the hydraulic valve tappets and ER SMH routed through hollow push rods to a hole in the push 5 Qi V rod end of the corresponding rocker arm This oil ER GEAR Y lubricates the valve train then returns to the oil pan 5 through channels at both ends of the cylinder head exit E2S r 5Bn Lnss fig 1B 6 o Eg ou num out ntrzn sveass lll CAVITV EHQTER vAi vs ASSEMBLY l VES E gy y ANn GEAR l E muse OUTLET on nusn A L Q mtrsnso ou F 3 i l E 5 wm my mm o UF V V Q V E l i M to if it i ontvux covsn E Q 0 G Amsze o 5 Q H AN1 i i oci 0 yi 0 i E RE g 1l A 0II Pump ami Filler Assembly REUEF o Q 2 VALVE igsihsvzs tf Qi ro eurvir Oil is drawn from the sump area of the oil pan iI XGE Q through a tube and screen assembly to a horizontal oil PUMP ANTLLOCK gallery located at the lower right side of the engine OUTLET RELIEE my block A passage in the timing case cover channels oil L ET wl I W A L into the oil pump Pressure is developed when oil is BEEN TRAPPED PRESSURE g driven between the gears and pump body 5E w T J ET REUEF The oil is forced from the pump through a passage BLEED FF Xg REBLV 66 in the oil pump cover to the oil filter fig 1B 5 IP P 602 The oil passes through the filtering elements and to H mls nl mp amps an outlet passage in the oil pump cover From the oil pump cover passage the oil enters an adjoining pas sage in the timing case cover and then is channeled into a gallery which extends up the left front of the r A cylinder block This gallery channels oil directly to the ji V right main oil gallery which intersects with a short 4 V passage that channels oil to the left main oil gallery ig Y J The left and right main oil galleries extend the 7 length of the cylinder block The left oil gallery chan l r a nels oil to each hydraulic tappet on the left bank The V T V V xf right oil gallery channels oil to each hydrauhc tappet V Gt on the right bank In addition five passages extend J down from the right oil gallery to each camshaft bear i M rr E ing and on to each upper main bearing insert The J W f crankshaft is drilled to allow oil to flow from each sly main journal to adjacent connecting rod journals A E ms squirt hole in each connecting rod bearing cap dis Q I AJM925 tributes oil to the cylinder walls pistons and piston i pins as the crankshaft rotates Hg IB 6 Luhrlcalinn Systtn