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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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18 4 V 8 ENGINE VI ENGINE MOUNTING 4 l Resilient rubber mounting cushions support the dn i gine and transmission at three points A cushi0n is W g g V located at each side on the centerline of the engine Sgx gNs fcgi i with the rear supported by a cushion between the transmission extension housing and the rear support J crossmember fig IB 7 Removal or replacement of any cushion may be accomplished by supporting the weight of the engine RESTRICTOR or transmission in the area of the cushion PLATES If necessary to remove the front engine mounts an S engine holding fixture may be fabricated as illustrated 2579 in figure 1g g Hg In 1 Typ I Engln Muumlny V 8 En In sms 12 nu rs1zn i urwsn i smumou QEARLNG mvov on sgvz s Y 9 I6 I2 I BOLT 1 men om HOLE 2 2 HAR w00 n m K G v tb N l q J5 zxzxs mxnuwoon stocx Q uz 13 EVEBOLT E msuu m v41m rA1 z MAm o1 ADJACENT TO ou mn nre nova onmznsnons me m nucuss Fig IB B Engim Iluldlny Flxlun