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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI V 8 ENGINE lll 5 Sarvlcc Illaqnnsis Condition Possible Cause Correction EXTERNAL OIL 1 Fuel pump gasket broken or 1 Replace gasket LEAKS improperly seated 2 Cylinder head cover gasket 2 Replace gasket check cylinder broken or improperly seated head cover gasket flange and cylinder head gasket surface for distortion 3 Oil filter gasket broken or 3 Replace oil filter improperly seated 4 Oil pan side gasket broken or 4 Replace gasket check oil pan improperly seated gasket flange for distortion 5 Oil pan front oil seal broken 5 Replace seal check timing case or improperly seated cover and oil pan seal flange for distortion 6 Oil pan rear oil seal broken 6 Replace seal check oil pan rear or improperly seated oil seal flange check rear main bearing cap for cracks plugged oil return channels or distortion in seal groove 7 Timing case cover oil seal broken 7 Replace seal or improperly seated 8 Oil pan drain plug loose or 8 Repair as necessary and stripped threads tighten 9 Rear oil gallery plug loose 9 Use appropriate sealant on gallery plug and tighten 10 Rear camshaft plug loose or 10 Seat camshaft plug or replace and improperly seated seal as necessary 11 Porosity in crankshaft pilot 11 Seal with RTV Silicone and core bushing hole plug or replace crankshaft as necessary EXCESSIVE OIL 1 Oil level too high 1 Lower oil level to specifications CONSUMPTION 2 Oil too thin 2 Replace with specified oil 3 Valve stem oil deflectors are dam 3 Replace valve stem oil deflectors aged missing or incorrect type 4 Valve stems or valve guides wom 4 Check stem to guide clearance and repair as necessary 5 Piston rings broken missing 5 Replace missing or broken rings susan