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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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r V 8 ENGINE lll 31 PISTUNS 7512 ommsrsn was usr onocvz Aluminum alloy Autothermic pistons steel reinfor ced for strength and controlled expansion are used WEE NAMETEE Em cm The pistons are com ground and are not periectly T3 7 5 zno cnoovz round The ring belt area contains three piston rings two compression and one oil control ring above the ono DIAMETER piston pin asno ann cnoovs The piston pin boss is offset from the piston center line to place it nearer the thrust side of the piston To ensure correct installation of the pistons in the ams nmmzran bore two notches are cast in the top perimeter of the 352 l AND ZND piston on 304 and 360 CID engines and one notch on R vE 360 cm 401 CID engines The notches must face forward fig 1B 33 6 5 nmmsrsn 625 ann caoove 1 DIAMETER 212 usr AND ZND I GROOVE sua can 9 nmmzrsn mzs ann cmoove mos 7 5 onoova HEIGHT T i5 A Jem Must FACE sonwmn ME su E sT AT ri us AREA Fon rirrmcs O 2 K uso Flu IB 33 Installlnu Piston humbly Into Ban Flg II 34 Plslun Im ur 1n nl ln bn Plslnn Fllilnq Ls are required to service 1 Using an inside micrometer measure cylinder NOTE diffwwft bore inside diameter at a point 2 5 16 inch below top p t mm J 21 72 H Med Cm 304 mid 860 CID m of borek gznes and 28194 is used MMO CID engines 2 Using an outside micrometer measure diameter of piston at right angles to piston pin at centerline of pin fig 1B 34 MNOVUI 3 The difference oetween cylinder bore diameter 1 Using piston pin Remover j g1g7g or J g3194 and piston diameter dimension is the piston to bore and on arbor nnoso olooo piston on remover Support l 9 J 218724 or J 23194 1 fig 1B 35 Pmon PIM 2 Using Fiilotied Drii er J 21 I12 3 or 072319 3 press pin comp ete y out o piston ote position o pm The piston pins are press fit into the rods at 2000 thmugh gauge Wmdow of remover Support pounds pressure and require no locking device The piston pins for 304 and 360 CID engines are of the Pl Flmnll same diameter while the piston pin for 401 CID en 1 Inspect pin and pin bore for nicks and burrs gine is larger in diameter replace as necessary