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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI GUULIIIG Z 7 K 1 114 james ix 1 1 2 nucwss cms 1ncu Qu mcuss 9 wscome noo wineries 593 E umm li Z o oo mon Avi n Z 5 1 kmVlt rPs nu 1 n U N r M cause At j Tunpatrol Fan Tm Start the engine snd allow it to wsrm up to operat AMS59 ing temperature From under the hood gradually in crease the engine speed until a definite decrease ofthe H L8 Tmlu nmlmm audible fan airflow is heard Maintain this engine speed until a definite increase of the audible fan air mama up flow is heard The Tempatrol unit is operating satisfactorily if the 1 R V WP frqm di l time interval between decrease and increase of the 2 M k Bm SWUBB M We minis fan airflow does not exceed time minutes 3 Wet rubber s ke WM water 1 ew on tester fig 2 7 4 Operate tester pump and observe needle at its NOTE The l 9 81I W mm be W Fwd wnlmwn highest point Cap release pressure should be 13 9 to prior to performing the above test to ensure against lg pounds excessively high radiator air temperatures NOTE Cap is okay when pressure hohis steady or holds within the 13 9 to 18 pound range fbr 30 seconds or more needle drops quickly replace cap Thnrmum 1 Remove thermostat car 44 A i TES ER 2 Insert 0 003 inch feeler gauge with wire or Nag string attached between valve and seat fig 2 6 g gy 3 Submerge thermostat in a container of anti a freeze and water solution suspended so it does not Je touch sides or bottom of container 4 Suspend a thermometer in solution so it does 4 i xv E nottouch container i r I 5 Heatsolution Q 3 ZH K 6 Apply slight tension on feeler gauge while solu V ed tion is heated The moment valve opens 0 003 inch K Q feeler gauge will slip free from valve Note tem W N E perature at which this occurs Valve must be open ii 0 003 inch at 192 F to 199 F lt must be fully open a fs 2836 minimum of 0 360 inch at 219 F 3 F 7 Install thermostat F 2 I hlhllr Prltllrl Ct T t1