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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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2 10 DOULIIIG rn lant has completely circulated throughout the engine or nvm ll until normal operating temperature is reached The mu 14 heater control must be in the HEAT position and the r F heater temperature control must be in the full WARM i i or HIGH position 4 ji Replemsh coolant level if necessary and reinstall radiator cap After coolant has reached normal operat ing temperature shut engine off and replenish coolant 1 I V level as necessary i gr A l l Z gs iv 1 1 1 I N AIIJIISTHEIITS j Fan and AIt mt0rIl IlM u 1n nl li 1 Loosen alternator pivot mount bolt and alter rc Q Q g nator adjustingbolt K i l 2 Adjust belt using pry bar on aix cylinder en I 1 j 5 gines and 1 inch open end wrench on V 8 engines Snug Amusweur 1 A adjusting bolt fig 2 9 and 2 10 2 N E 1 3 Check belt tension using Tension Gauge wneucu ADJUSTING ev J 23600 fig 2 11 Ecu 4 Tighten adjusting bolt to 18 foot pounds torque ooau and pivot bolt to 28 foot pounds torque Fly 2 I0 Allamlor A l ustm nI V G All mat r Balt M u lm nl Six ltyllnrhr wltli Mr Candl mnlnl fw sTiuc 1 Loosen alternator lower adjusting bolt gm r 2 Loosen alternator bracketadjustingbolt Q Z qg 3 Loosen alternator upper pivotbolt Q szzwm a 1 1 4 9 mvor 0 1 1 60 c 0 rtl ni R 0 Aw 1 l 4 O 4 P 1 Anrsnnnua i v 4 1 u E oosss i Q 7 so 7 g 9 rr 60130 aa i TBY Gr Fig 2 II Clnuklng IIrlv B ltT n Inn TypI I Q A 1r MW 1 r OA 4 Adjust alternator using a suitable pry bar g Snug adjust bolt fig 2 l2 QFQJSTING 5 Check belt tension using Tension Gauge QESSTING J 23600 fig 2 11 Correct if necessary 6 Tighten adjusting bolt to 18 foot pounds tor 50 29 que and tighten mounting bolts to 28 foot pounds tor que If equipped with back idler tighten to 33 foot Fl 2 9 Nllfllilf Mllmllll lx Dylllllf D0unds torque