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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI ELECTRICAL 3 11 Pm Pm A11 rn r 11 nov l ani l s1alIa11 n 4 3 17 l1wa1l n 4 4 3 1 1 Ammlily 3 19 Turing 3 15 Dlumnbly 4 3 17 Trnuhloshnnlinq 4 3 13 6 n ral 3 11 GENERAL charging voltage within prescribed limits to keep the battery properly charged The Motorcraft charging system is a negative ground system consisting of three main components OPEIIATIDII an alternator a regulator and a battery It is used on all V 8 engines When the ignition switch is turned to the ON posi The alternator is belt driven by the engine Its tion current flows through the ignition switch and major components are the front and rear housings the ammeter if equipped to the regulator S terminal fig stationary stator windings the rotating field windings 3 6 and 3 7 From the S terminal current flows or rotor and six rectifying diodes Current is passed to through the field relay coil which closes the field relay the rotating field through two brushes mounted in the contacts With the field relay contacts closed current rear housing and two slip rings attached to the rotor passes from the regulator A terminal through the field The regulator is an electro mechanical device non relay contacts and voltage limiter upper contacts to solid state and nonadjustable It has two major com the regulator F terminal From the F terminal cur ponents the field relay and the voltage limiter The rent to the alternator FLD terminal through the in field relay connects the voltage limiter into the sys sulated brush and slip ring to the rotor coil and tem The voltage limiter is a vibrating type which through the other slip ring to the grounded brush fig regulates current applied to the field and maintains 3 6 and 3 7 snrsnv rsnmnut or sunrss sotzuonn I I bggo I e 5 j I www I I e simznv c j I FIELD I 3 asi Av r I I comacrs Auennnos A I I 7 Iy I I I I I I I E 3bl S O BLM O s I I I I I DIGDES rsammat II gE I I I I courncrs r I OHMSI IT 7 voismcs T I I A I Lazzrrr I I I vouwisrsn lf TEQLZ Q I IeII GI STA nnnrzsmnuat I I Fm onasu L I SLIP RINGS Flq 3 8 Clnrqlnq Systn Sc1nn tIr CJ IIn i Is with ll O En 1n