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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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3 16 ELECTRICAL r STATDR CONTINUITV TEST sryrgg gggUND Es r OHMMETER DHMMETER n o T dwliliiiliis M li il li unit 1 ww 5 e I zllail 5 l nl lr i l iii sr j 5 f ii ssrssescroa n g skgrr snscroa g AT1000 ng a iz Stmrlimtlnully mi F 3 fFf T 4 Move one probe to third stator wire Equal E VE E TEST readings should be obtained between each pair of M 2 2 2 Tm Ihsults If unequal indications are obtained stator is open Check neutral junction splices If a break is found make necessary repairs and retest If unequal readings W still exist replace stator Smar Ground Tas L 1 Remove stator and rectifier assembly from EXQQACT rear housing and disconnect stator leads from rec rznmmm tifier 2 Set ohmmeter at 1000 scale and calibrate 5 Q 3 Touch one chmmeter lead to bare metal sur Qi face of stator core and other lead to a bare stator lead V BATTERV wire fig 3 13 Ohmmeter should register infinity no YER V NAl needle movement Be sure probe makes good contact E with core T 1 M 22 l i Ii mn If ohmmeter indicates other than infinity stator is grounded and must be replaced nl M4 1 mill Num umu HI llll0I Dllllll T llIll 4 Test positive didoes by touching one lead to rectifier battery terminal and other lead to each stator U RGHWVG F ifi 1 5 mlJlY f 0ml l 0 i 8 lead terminal fig 3 15 Reverse leads to check diodes 2 Set ohmmeter at 10 scale an ca i rate in other direction 3 Test ee tiv di de by wuchimz one vhmmeter A11 diodes should snow continuity sppminnmy egg W Kfvuildufeffglilg Md h lead to each Sum 60 ohms in one direction and no continuity infinity G t fmlflas lS in theotherdirection