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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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3 20 ElECTlIlCAL 7 4 Clamp front housing in vise and tighten drive 8 Wrap three stator winding leads around circuit pulley nut to 60 to 100 foot pounds torque fig 3 19 board terminals 5 If rear housing bearing was removed support 9 Install stator neutral lead on rectifier with ex housing near bearing boss and press in replacement posed diodes by inserting stator terminal through bearing flush with outer housing neutral lead dished washer and rectifier Turn stator 5 place brugh gpringg brushes brush terminal terminal counterclockwise 1 4 turn to lock and terminal insulator in brush holder and hold 10 Install stator neutral lead on rectifier with brushes in position by inserting a wooden or plastic built in diodes by inserting stator terminal through toothpick in the brush holder fig 3 20 neutral lead insulating washer and rectifier Align 7 Position brush holder assembly in rear housing serrations of stator terminal and rectifier hole and and install mounting screws press terminal into rectifier 11 Install radio noise suppression capacitor on rec tifier terminals fig 3 21 BRUSH HOLDER 12 Install BAT terminal insulator and STA termi BRUSH nal insulator fig 3 21 E M NA V 13 Position stator and rectifier assembly in rear housing QQ 5 14 Position STA black BAT red and FLD J orange insulators on terminal bolts and install Q retaining nuts 4 Ih 15 Position rear housing and stator assembly over ji il i rotor and align scribe marks made during disassem A lgll lllrlll roomencx bllliis Seat machined portion of stator oore into step K Lig gggglon in both end housings li NA 17 Install housing through bolts INSULAWR 6 21 18 Remove brush retracting toothpick and put a Flq 3 20 Imll llotiltr Asumllly Inmllallun dab of waterproof cement over hole to seal it BAT mmm nous sn Dc N0 RECTIFIEH ASSEMBLY REMOVE 2 INSULATOR E E c i H g as 9 if xnscrnnsn l rio T k Q1 Asszmsnv i I X nw v Y r wil e i esp E ll si sl Q kr aq iw snrrok 5 W EQ H I ialsiiiiiallxi R G suron nusunrmc wnsusa sraron NEUTRAL cnn me IEUTIFIEI WITII EXHJSED IIMIDES IECTIFIEII WITII lIJILT III IIIIIIIES FI 3 21 Smorand II cim rAs mMl s