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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI ELECTRICAL 3 Zl WW Pam 6 n raI 4 4 4 4 3 21 Ikpalr nal T lIn 3 25 0p r tkm 4 4 3 22 Trwlhshoullnu Pr c lur s 4 3 22 Ihnml and Installatlan 3 25 E E A circumstance will lllgvidei long periods of attention ree service o peri ic a justments or maintenance The 10 SI Series Alternator fig 3 22 is typical of a are required on the alternator assembly v fietv of R y i The mm windings are assembled on the inside of e e A s r e heme 3 laminated core that forms part of the altemator clreult is bunt mm the end fmme All regulamr m frame A rectifier bridge connected to the stator wind Me l d in selid meld me hi i ings coming six diodes three positive and time ma along with the brush holder assembly is attached to tive molded to an assembly which ls connected to the the Slip ring end me The regmeter lmnage Setting stator windings This rectifier bridge changes the i g id usting and pr Vi i n fm adjust stator ac voltages to dc voltages which appear at the t tte 1 Th bl k t th d d The e me 3 22 vrimefily f 0 ni bn nirsch gs Zsii g Fliliiiii th siiesiaizi end frame assemblies a rotor assembly and a stator h d f assembly The rotor assembly is supported in the drive Because f th bl k g l t iingiw wa end frame by a ball bearing and in the slip ring end l t relay ln t Ielyulzt is zlm lfge lil r frame by a roller bearing These rotor bearings con flfld current is usp le t ming B L B No W lc is tain a supply of lubricant sufficiently adequate to 3 e e ted mt estawr wm mm eliminate the need for periodic lubrication Two A capacitor or condenser mounted in the end brushes carry current through the two slip rings to frame protects the rectifier bridge and diode trio from the field coil mounted on the rotor and under normal high voltages and suppresses radio noise sm mm END FRAME glll v RA no rznmmm nolrznmman n l 4 F lllllllllllllll lL XL H W summa ry 4 supamqs n I l lk ll 1 E H I l 4 B I ll Tyal me lBEAR N A 2 2 T J 7 f l 1 I F 9 l snr gl Q e V ti y mmm resnuotz V m m rr 1 L l 4 suron Ag noron ASSEMBLY FH v EwA NEW Auaoee Hq 3 22 lcnlILSl8 rI msmm