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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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ELECTRICAL 3 23 V gp i Svw Q 2 iiZQCQQjf ni y V s smrznv l Hz 4 l L i S GNmON me wlm l je me I i l M V e srun 5 l RES T 3 l i rr rr V rrrrrrrrrrr 7 Ar We l 6 Q fjff Z Q l w j T M gf H Isl il Ll I E LEELL j e e Y l l 4 Q w 3 T M Ammo q l J Q Flu 3 25 Basle Lad Dun r llans II galIv Grnunl Shawn 5 2 r s v zwA g 4 KTACSE i Z TAB msemscnawnmven g A v g 2 S i l A enasern Q Q 3 Q V j srun Eu ME no mi ef 7r eg To f gQ More AW l ewviyl I l si KVM l 4 y s r 9 is L jgeg I i li ll if K G l A I fi i INSULATDRW i fx hl l y a cl x 1 v i views T swv M V ua I L l l nq 3 z4 ms Tapl rE v11 IS l il l ll r A V r V ii dl A Faulty voltmeteror ammeteropemtionr B An undercharged battery as evidenced by slow Awami cranking and low specific gravity readings C A li d b tt d d b me WM rl 8rgE a ery as wl ence Y mm Flu 3 26 Groundlng IllII llI0fFl ll Wlmllngs Before making any electrical checks visually in lwmllll l il l l ll W l spect all connections including slip on connectors to make sure they are clean and tight Inspect all wiring for cracked or broken insulation Be sure alternator F u y Ammgigr gr Vqltmglgr Dygraiinn mounting bolts are tight and unit is properly grounded Check for loose fan belt Check the ammeter or voltmeter for normal opera tion If the meter operates normally proceed to Overcharged Undercharged Battery Diagnosis Guide llalsy Allcmalnr Dvernhargod llndarcnarqcd llallary Noise from the alternator may be caused by a loose drive pulley loose mounting bolts worn or dirty bear For battery overcharged undercharged diagnosis ings defective diode out of round or rough slip rings refer to the Overcharged Undercharged Battery hardened brushes or defective stator Diagnosis Guide