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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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3 26 ELE JTllIllAL r lubricant Brushes which come in contact with shaft 3 Separate drive end frame and rotor assembly should be cleaned immediately to avoid contamination from the stator assembly by prying apart with a by oil or they will have to be replaced screwdriver placed between stator assembly and drive and frame 1 Scribe marks on alternator case for location reference NOTE After disassembly place a piece of tape over 2 Remove four through bolts connecting slip the slip ring end frame bearing to prevent entry of ring and end frame and drive end frame fig 3 29 dirt and other foreign rruzterial and also place a piece 0 E 9 1 x Q1 ix 0 we I an an 6 H ga l V e 1 Q k 0 i l ay v el A gfiy a Q J de y l 111 2 E V sr FF I is V v g a m 111 W I 1 we 6 0 W 7 9 LEGEND 1 Roma 11 eu1 1 ev 21 scnsw z neumen I2 scnzw zz cArAc11 on 2 c01 1 A uunanx 1 ranrv111 1A1 vacuo zz scnaw 4ssAnmc 1aRsc1 11 ne11 emacs 24 1 1 Ame s wAsuen is REGULATOR zs scnew 6 uousmcs 1s snusn Assemsu momma za wAs1 een 7 c01 1 An lourzm 17 wasuzn 27 mon Taro a nu 1 scnew zu uousmc o wasusn 1 ocK 19 srA roR za mnou i s 1 r an nur u1 Lsv zo wasnsu Flu 3 29 IU Sl Alnrnamr Exp1 1t d Vlw