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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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3 32 ELECTlllCAl n A ay 1A g EUUIWED coils is connected directly to ground through a set of contacts fig 3 38 When the starter is first engaged a heavy current flows through the grounded field coil O 0 O 0 O O actuating a movable pole shoe The pole shoe is axrrrsnv attached to the starter drive actuating lever thus the drive is engaged with the flywheel gunna RELXV STARTER When the movable pole shoe is fully seated it opens T the field coil grounding contacts and is connected in parallel with the other pole shoes while the armature is rotating A holding coil is used to maintain the IGNIYION movable pole shoe in the fully seated position during swrrcu the time that the starter is cranking the engine 0L A1 I u 10 ECU i Ionmou coII Illllllllullll JUMPER The starter motor identification code is stamped on BAR lQL g the frame below the Jeep Part number at the time of J427 U manufacture Example Fl 3 37 snnlng system Vllrlng Illa n 6 F C A Year Month Week Work not crank the engine or cranks slowly 1976 J une 3rd Week Sl Iift If the starter motor cranking speed is normal and the engine does not start the problem usually can be The lem I S never s d m starter dmg found in the fuel or ignition system n ll hl STARTER mm Durnm Draw Tas 0 4 ch 1 Prior to performing a current draw test bat The starter has an integral positive engagement tery must be fully charged as described under Hy drive When the starter is not in use one of the field drometer Tests in this section sarrznv g A Qj kuP STARTER rsmmm s A 7R T R mam swmm NWN FEW WWE ruI I In nom moon I hzcouracv msc I i sotsuono POINTS RELAV o 1 I cnouuo I i PULUN I ELQKQER moron I I I s I msutarsn I EE S COIL I BRUSHES i 1 I FIELD COIL I I I I S GROUND new cou I anusnzs IGNITION I l swnrcu L i uma Fl 3 3I Slamr Iht r wing Ilhysm