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Technical Service Manual January 1975 |
V FUEL CAIIBURE I 0l 4 35 A gow transfer slots are exposed to the manifold vacuum VENY This provides a richer fuel air mixture and prevents a flat spot during the transition from idle to primary main metering circuit I sx J FLOAT I q oi AIR f 4 s Whzr c Auxnuanv e nz 5 vAi ve 25 4 MA N g V I wsu 3 li r s i 1 0A W Wcw x ssa teen N wsu V I x Q Air ggggggr ls l ihftsrrr ni FUEL Asggmgly Muses k T nui eu ow F 4 si rl ci I srssni ruse W iu unt mul M Irlla Law Spud circuit me f i Am mrs Fuel for idle and low speed operation is supplied I xcnw Mixrunz EQSSETLE FUEL through the idle circuit When the throttle valves are s RE Amesv in the curb idle or early part throttle position Si ESS J iii ii i i i1 i iime sure difference between atmospheric pressure in the fuel bowl and manifold vacuum causes fuel to flow through uic idle circuit Prlmary Main Motoring circuit Fhel is forced from the fuel bowl through the mhih Fuel for part throttle or cruising speeds is provided gets into the main wells From the main wells the fuel bv the primary mein metering circuit in reepenee te passes through the idle tubes which are located inside tire primary throttle Opening of the mam wah mbeh The fuel is metered h hows As the primary throttle opening is increased through restrictions at the lower end of the idle tubes manifeid vacuum decreases at the idle discharge ports The fuel than flows upward through the hhe tubes and and transfer slots causing the idle circuit discharge to is muthd through Short dmwhal pheshges to the dorm diminish However the increased throttle opening de ward idle channels which terminate at the idle veiepe an airflow through the mein and booster transfer SMS and dle dmhiuge p rt hg 4 62 venturi and creates a vacuum or pressure drop at the Filtered air enters through calibrated idle air bleeds mgm dgichagggstggzatintzzihigiii t u i h 2 ti iiii 1 maratiiii flrfe hiieimrciri fic Tri iiyiitiiiviiw przzit mm i ri i i i1 d ri r r bi i i m siphoning through the idle system during high speed the fu bow Than gt tt wc h es rt E p F Opam w Z ci Z she i i t32 LilT g i Z L 3i rLZ Lit i The fuel air mixture is discharged through the idle in an increased fuel flow for higher engine speeds discharge ports and the bottom of the idlertransfer Fuel is forced from the fuel bowl through the main slots when the throttle valves are in the curb idle posi metering Jets and into the main wells The fuel then tion The top of the idle transfer slots serve as addi flows through the main well tubes As the fuel flows tional air bleeds at this time to further atomize the upward through the main well tubes it is mixed with idle fuel air mixture As the throttle valves are opened air supplied by the high speed air bleeds The air en slightly above the curb idle position the entire idle ters through small holes in the sides of the main well