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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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4 48 F EL l yl t r 0 GAUGE 0 Tnrquo Spoclllcallnns 2 A Service set ra rarqure snaura be um when assemarsng eampamu I X Service In Use Reuheck Tm ques should he aud lor uhedkmg a I N ay pre torqued item V i Q Service V Q sarvaw In use t 7 Set To Reclteck A J 7 9 J rmque rarqua Arr Cleaner Stud 12100 Carb IO 7 12 V An lntectmn Tubes V 8 38 3045 soya 4 15 lu re Di k V Arr Pump Mounung Belts 20 15 22 VV Carburetor Holddown Nuts 14 12 15 Exhaust Nlaruleld B0lts B 25 20 30 DASHPOT LOCKNUT 141586 Exhaust Pwpe t0 Man 10ld Nuts 23 IS 28 Fuel Pump Screw 16 13 l9 Intake and Exhaust Mznnlnld Bolts f g Allllsumm and Nuts 6 Cyl 23 18 28 Intake Msmfold Bolts B 43 3747 All torque value given in loot vounds with drv flu unless other wise svecified Reler to the Standard Torque Specifications and Capscrew Markings M l 4350 r r r CM A 0 1 n Ilst d nbove 60575 1 y Throttle Bore Suze M40 F Mm S m g 2 L J 10 74 01 s w a ry Throttle Bere su mem Q MA M REMOVE Fuel wet Diameter 0 006 0 090 0 0022 A sT e Low Speed Jer 0 038 0 038 0 039 i 1 Idle Arr Bleed Flrstl 0 049 0 049 0 049 Idle Arr Bleed Second 0 029 0 029 Prlmarv Metenng Jer 0 072 0 072 0 072 J 10175 Secondary Metering Jet 0 144 POWER VALVE 0 SOCKET I Cranknng Jet 0 040 0 040 0 040 yy N y y j lg A Hlgh Speed Bleed 0 063 0 063 0 063 1 R Power Valve Timing Inches ei Hg 8 000 8 000 B 000 j r I Accelerator Pump Jet 0 026 0 026 E Vacuum Swk Pen 0057 0 052 0 052 NEJQSQZZAT 4 07ss or umvznsm choke near met nesmctaau 0 029 0 0ss was REMGVER 0A 0 RE R GAUGE K chaste Vacuum n m 0 076 0 076 0 075 mw Flu 4 86 llarhuralcr Tuuls