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Technical Service Manual January 1975 |
4A 18 EMISSIDN BDNTIIIJLS EXHAUST SYSTEMS j T VI I ap Pap Ganaral 4 4A I8 F Vapor Storapa Caaalslar IA 19 Faaal Talk FIIa r 4 4 IA 18 Llquld Ebook Valva 4 4A 19 Fanl Tank FIII Cap 4 M 18 Malraaaaaaaaoa 4 4 4A 19 GENERAL FUEL TMIK FILLEII CAP A closed fuel tank vent system is used on all CJ The filler cap on California Cherokee Wagoneer models and California Cherokee Wagoneer and Truck and Truck models and all CJ models incorporates a models This system routes raw fuel vapor into the in two way relief valve which is closed to atmosphere un take system where it is burned along with the fuel air der normal operating conditions The relief valve is mixture preventing fuel vapors from entering the at calibrated to open only when a pressure of 0 75 to 1 5 mosphere fig 4A 17 All other Nationwide vehicles psi or a vacuum of 15 to 25 inches of water occurs do not have vent lines since they do not use a closed within the tank When the pressure or vacuum is vent system relieved the valve returns to the normally closed posi tion The cap is identified by a black relief valve hous FUEL TIIIK FILTEII mg All V hi i use i W0V Swan 1 V YP fuel fi NOTE It is normal to occasaiomally encmmter an air ter which is attached to the end of the fuel outlet tube pressure release when removing thejiller cap inside the fuel tank This filter is rated at 65 micron and repels water Under normal conditions it requires All other Nationwide vehicles use an externally no maintenance or service vented cap atacrnac saunas uuav wa a ruat ourtar taua rc gg g mano cmrsran ncsa ruat cauea mf F E zaazasmz vatva autres E BRACKET E L S rattan A l g vam s uosa b ra t ta R ruat uaax a gaosa vAa c a i VENT Es gf s 5 rattan vaur 0 ncsa Anarrau J r Q5 ruat TANK 9 Z A r rAca aan G BRMKET ruat F E TANK rattan NEW car cnommar 2 Flo IA 11 Fual Tank Vapor Emlsalon Syman Typloall