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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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4l 26 EIIIISSIDII GOIITROLS EXHAlIST SYSTEMS VI switch wire male connector Touch probe end of test SPARK D0 A TEMPERATURE UVEIIIIIDE SWITCH lamp to switch wire female connector Test No 3 SPARK mul c Start engine Test lamp should light if not solenoid control switch is defective d Slowly accelerate engine 32 to 36 mph test This switch is threaded into the thermostat housing lamp should go out If test lamp goes out at A speed on V 8 engines and into the left rear side of the block outside of this range switch should be replaced on six cylinder engines Its purpose is to improve driveability during the warmup period by providing NOTE PWM decreasing speed the solermni control full distributor vacuum advance until the engine switch will close the ground circuit at 22 to 28 mph coolant temperature has reached 160 F The switch in 366 to 466 cable rpm Make tests while increasing corporates a thermal unit which reacts to coolant tem speed or accelerating engine only peratures and moves a check ball inside the switch up or down to open or close the switch ports Either in 10 Stop engine take manifold or carburetor ported vacuum is thereby 11 Reconnect wire connector to solenoid control routed to the distributor vacuum advance diaphragm switch and lower vehicle fig 4A 31 vo rcs swmzu iz v resvzn BATT IGNIT ON FEED rasr no 1 soteuoio cqmct wma j II I a I iumven wins IGNITION FEED I BATT TEST ND 2 7 If zbl b is 4 TUBING TRANS ass 2 2 zzmsnzuzuizu f lB L 1 SWITCH WIRE Y f l SOLENOID CONTROL SWITCH y resr No a 60 65 Fl 4A 30 TBS Symm Tm