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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI EM SS 0ll C0llTll0LS EXHMIST SYSTEMS 4A Z9 rfa ras i 0 ge 2 2 Q irti i Z j w iii i Li nf Mg 5 W L D s F V jj r r j jr 2 1 3 s 6 i T Q i 2 f r Y AJ42026 Low mince mms warn rms conomon mv ss crzmsn nsm Acs Flu M42 Spark Flap Uamllllons Cold Fouling or Carbon Fouled E Dry black Mig appearance of one or two plugs in a set Check for l sticking valves or bad ignition leads Fouling of the I entire set may be caused by a clogged air cleaner a I is Q 4 5 sticking exhaust manifold heat valve or a faulty J choke Overheating F Indicated by a dead white ur gray insulator which appears blistered Electrode gap wear rate will be considerably in excess of 0 001 inch per 1000 miles This may suggest that a cooler heat range should be used however overadvanced ignition timing detonation and cooling system stoppages can also cause overheating l Spark Plug Wires To remove wires from spark plugs twist the boot slightly to break the seal Grasp the rubber protector boot and lift straight up with a steady even pull Do not pull on the wire itself as this will damage the Flp 4A 33 Spark Plug Bap Black wire