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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI EM SSION SONTIIGLS EXHAUST SYSTEMS 4A 33 i t y M it ti t 4 m t A s j 1 Wlgti lu G y ii l rr t lt l l sc t w e i w wr V V P V 4 il 7r SPARK LIMITER 4 cvs Eggr Mime V mu 38 Mndu 2l00C rhurt1nr qq V is s ARK TacI10mmrPr0uadur i X vom EGR NOTE To compensate for fuel and temperature MRT A J 41052 var1 41tion s while performing the idle mixture adjust ment ml M 37 Mmm yp glrhungu a Do not idle engine over three minutes at ci NNE b U the idk mixture adjustment is not com Proper idle speed and mixture adjustments can be pleted within three minutes run engine at 2000 rpm made by following a standard tachometer procedure in for one minute which the idle mixture is adjusted to e lean drop idle Recheck the idle minture adjustment at the specif setting A infrared IR analyzer procedure in which 1ed rpm and adjust as required tf the idle mixture the idle mixture is adjusted to obtain a specified car adjustment is not completed within three minutes bon monoxide level may be used but only on vehicles repeatstep b without a catalytic converter When following the 1 Adjust idle screw s to the full rich stop s tachometer procedure adjustments must be made in Note position of screw head slot inside limiter cap the exact detailed sequence outlined to obtain lean slots drop idle settings and satisfactory idle quality 2 Carefully remove idle limiter cap s by install ing a sheet metal screw in center of cap and turning WARNING Set park brake firmly Do not accelerate clockwise Discard the cap s AIR HORN n T lv ei c nE1 AG l l V cuoxz t l dy T p 5 T sotzuonn jr l i ia igbsggg l V l v 4 3 2 l L r y i FA h 4 5I A ut t 5 11 Q MAIN g NDV sca vAcuuM nm umrrzn cus THR E PORT Aunscnzws BDDV Mums Fl AA 39 Mudd 4350 Darhumur