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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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Pm Pm 11 11 1 Fl 1 MINI 5 7 II I u Lmr A1l n1n 1 4 5 9 IWW PIII 5 6 Ilgmyal 5 6 FW 5 1 swim magma 5 1 lkml 5 1 Spsdllullanu 5 11 Mum Mlumm sa Tm vm111I ar1n so Ilmlng A11 1 p d11o 11au 5 11 I 0I 1 5 11 lnttalltlltn 1 5 10 T rqu Spclllullun 1 5 11 LI111m Mlnslnnl 5 5 Trmnlulun Clutch Shall 5 5 GENERAL covaa A single plate dry disc type clutch is used A steel t L EN1RIFUG M cover assembly bolted to the flywheel contains the Rqrrgqs clutch driven plate release levers and springs l agg PRESSURE LEVER Two types of clutch covers are used a 10 1 2 inch 5 0 5 5 0N 11 1N H i g NG diameter direct spring pressure type and au 11 inch SEMLCENYRIFUGAL NUT diameter semicentrifugal type The direct spring pres LEVER sure type and semicentrifugal type are similar Both CDVEF Aww serum apply direct spring pressure to the pressure plate to s R NG 5 6 STRU1 provide engagement However the semicentrifugal j cover utilizes six rollers that are forced outward by l 1 centrifugal action to apply extra force to the pressure K r Y plate and maintain positive clutch action at high engine ng ij I EL rpm fig 5 1 vasssune nzaczasz Leven nar csvsa envor Although no internal adjustment is provided for AJ 7 wear of the disc release lever height should be checked and adjusted F1 5 1 mum spring rrmm and n e 11Ir I yp Glulclm Page H1 111111h Am la 5 5 C1 11 h I1 I 1 I llllratm 5 5 Clutch 1ut1 r 5 2 01111ch Sllppap r ln d qn1 1211111 5 Img 111 In qu 1 Mute l 58 LInk Fm Play 5 3 Glnlni Mal rumum 5 4 1l 11 11l l l 5 1 ggngm Clutch chatter Clutch slippage or inadequate clutch linkage free Clutch problems can generally be assigned to one of play the following categories defined as Clutch drag or inadequate clutch release