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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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Sliaclllcatlons Quadra Trac Transfer Case Lubricants Type Automatically Differentiated Constant 4 Wheel Drive Model gg Transfer Case SAE gg Or gg Gear Lulerlcan M k 4 4 r Mgdil Quadra Trac Transfer Case SAE sow Non Detergent Gm Rslf l Engine Oil Va veline or Equivalent and B ounces Hm 1 rl Jeep Lubricant caneennete or Lubrizol sem LowlW1th Reduction Unit 2 57 1 sms Mndel 20 Transfer Case Guadra Trac Torque Specifications Type rr Four Position Service see re reeques sneuia be used wnen assembling Make r 0 Wmponemsr glodelx r 4 servaee in use Reeneeit reeques should be used ree eneekane Hf rl Servlce Two Whee Drive r r r 1 1 Service In Use 00631 Set To Flecheck Torque Torque Transfer Case Model Z0 Turque Specifications Breather r r r B 6 10 Cham M A S 0 9 u e 2 6 sm seen Torques sneuia 1 used ne marine Differential End Bolts r r r r 27 24 30 mmponenss Drain Plug r 20 15 Z5 l lzrll plug v l l 20 lg 25 Servioe In Use Flecheck Torques should be used for checking Lock Up Cover to Transfer Case r r 10 8 10 0 P l Ed nem Emergenct Drive Indicator Switch r r 12 l0 15 sewiw Output Shaft Nut 4 4 4 120 90 150 service l Use Power Takeoff Cover to Transfer Case Bolt Setgl 0 Recheck 3 B 16 Bolts 20 15 25 l orques Turques 5 1618 Bolts 15 10 20 Speedorneter Adapter 25 20 30 From and Rear Oumur Shan Transfer Case Cover to Transfer Case 20 15 25 yoke Nurs 4 4 4 v 240 225 25g Transfer Case to Transmission Extension From Ourpur shari Rear Beargne Cover 00 1 40 3050 to Case Bans 4 ac 28 32 Intermediate Shah Lock Plaze to Case R 1 Unit eens 14 12 15 F11 Plug 20 15 25 Lower Cover to case Bolts 14 12 15 Reduction Power Takeoff Cover to Case 20 15 25 Rear Beerlrlg can Assembly to Cage Reduction Unit to Transfer Case Bolt gulls 30 28 32 3 846 Bolt Nm 20 15 25 mane and Len snare Fark seeserews 14 12 15 5 1648 Bolt Nut r4 4 10 8 10 snm Rod 1 reusing to Case Bolts 4 so zs so Shift Lever to Shaft Nut 4 4 20 15 25 Transfer Case to Transmission Bolts 30 2B 32 All torque values given in foot pounds with dry fits unless All torque values given in foot pounds with dry fits unless otherwise specified otherwise specified Refer to the Standard Torque Specifications and Capscrew Refer to the Standard Torque Specifications and Capscrew Markings Chart in Section A of this manual for any torque Markings Chart in Section A of this manual for any torque specifications not listed above specifications not listed above 50634 60632