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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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VI BRAKES MID WHEELS 9 3 Power llnlt Survicu lllaqnaxls Condition Possible Cause Correction HARD PEDAL 1 Refer to EXCESSIVE PEDAL 1 Refer to EXCESSIVE PEDAL NO POWER EFFORT EFFORT ASSIST 2 Loss of vacuum to power unit 2 Check for loose hose or check valve seal Check for collapsed or damaged hose Inspect vacuum check valve for damage or leak Replace parts as required 3 Internal malfunction in power 3 Replace power unit unit SLOW RETURN OF 1 Bellcrank pivot pins binding 1 Lube all pedal pivot points BRAKE PEDAL CJ only or pedal linkage bind Remove clean lube and install ing See PULLS and GRABBING pivot pins BRAKES in Brake Service Diagnosis Charts 2 Intemal malfunction in power 2 Replace power unit unit GRABBING OR 1 Bellcrank pivot pins binding 1 Remove clean lubricate and DRAGGING BRAKES CJ only install pivot pins 2 Refer to PULLS and GRAB 2 See PULLS and GRABBING BING BRAKES in Brake Service BRAKES in Brake Service Diagnosis Charts Diagnosis Charts 3 Push rod in power unit binding 3 Check and correct as required due to corrosion or burrs on Do not lube push rod Clean push rod push rod with brake fluid and clean cloth only 4 Internal malfunction in power 4 Replace power unit unit llnun Brakas Sarvlm lllagnnsis All Idndals LOW PEDAL OR 1 Low fluid level 1 Fill reservoir with approved PEDAL GOES TO brake fluid TOE BOARD 2 Excessive clearance between 2 Adjust brakes lining and drums 3 Automatic adjusters not working 3 Make forward and reverse stops if pedal stays low repair faulty adjusters 4 Leaking brake lines 4 Repair or replace faulty parts susan