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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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9 4 BRAKES MID WHEELS yl Drum Brakes Sorvlca Dlagnnsls lcnnllnucdl Condition Possible Cause Correction LOW PEDAL OR 5 Leaking wheel cylinders 5 Overhaul wheel cylinder PEDAL GOES TO TOE BOARD 6 Internal leak in master cylinder 6 Overhaul master cylinder Continued 7 Air in system 7 Bleed system 8 Improper brake fluid 8 Flush system and refill with approved fluid SPRINGY SPONGY 1 Air trapped in hydraulic system 1 Remove air by bleeding PEDAL 2 Improper brake fluid 2 Flush and bleed system use approved brake fluid 3 Improper lining thickness or 3 Install new lining or replace shoe location and lining 4 Drums worn too thin beyond 4 Replace drum s as required 0 060 inch oversize specification 5 Master cylinder filler vent clogged 5 Clean vent or replace cap bleed brakes 6 Hoses lines collapsed kinked 6 Replace as required leaking 7 Master cylinder compensator 7 Disassemble master cylinder port blocked Repair as required EXCESSIVE PEDAL 1 Brake adjustment not correct 1 Adjust brakes PRESSURE REQUIRED TO 2 Incorrect lining 2 Install new linings STOP VEHICLE 3 Grease or fluid soaked lining 3 Repair grease seal or wheel cylinder Install new linings 4 Improper fluid 4 Flush system use approved brake fluid 5 Frozen master or wheel cylinder 5 Overhaul master or wheel pistons cylinders 6 Brake pedal binding on shaft 6 Lubricate pivot points 7 Linings watersoaked 7 Drive with brakes lightly applied to dry linings B Glazed linings 8 Replace linings 9 Bell mouthed barrel shaped 9 Replace or resurface drums in or scored drums left and right hand pairs susan