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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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9 8 BRAKES MII WHEELS rg Dram Brake Ssrvlm Illagnasls lbnntlnuadl Condition Possible Cause Correction VEHICLE PULLS TO 1 Grease or fluid soaked lining 1 Locate and correct leakage ONE SIDE replace with new linings 2 Adjustment not correct 2 Adjust the brakes 3 Loose wheel bearings loose 3 Adjust wheel bearing tighten support plate s or loose spring support plate s and tighten bolts spring bolts 4 Linings not of specified kind 4 Install new linings or primary and secondary shoes reversed 5 Power unit bellcrank pivot pins 5 Lube pivot pins binding CJ only 6 Tires not properly inflated or 6 lnflate the tires to recommended unequal wear of tread Different pressures Rotate tires so that tread design side to side tread surfaces of similar design and equal wear will be installed on the front wheels 7 Water mud or foreign matter 7 Remove foreign material from in brakes brake parts and inside of the drums Lubricate the shoe ledges and the rear brake cable ramps 8 Wheel cylinder sticking 8 Overhaul or replace wheel cylinder 9 Weak or broken retracting springs 9 Check springs Replace bent opencoiled or cracked springs 10 Out of round drums 10 Resurface or replace drums in left and right hand pairs both front and both rear 11 Brake dragging 11 Check for loose lining Repair or replace as required 12 Broken spring or loose U bolts 12 Replace spring or tighten U bolts 13 Loose steering components 13 Tighten or repair and adjust as required 14 Unequal camber 14 Replace axle housing 15 Clogged or crimped brake line 15 Repair or replace line 16 Wheel cylinder incorrect size 16 Replace with correct cylinders 17 Wom steering knuckle bearings 17 Replace