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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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9 I0 BRAKES AND WHEELS VI Dlsc Brakes Sarvlu Dlaqnusls l2nntInu d Condition Possible Cause Correction BRAKE CHATTER OR 4 Rear drums out of round 4 Check runout If not to specs ROUGHNESST BRAKE turn drum Do not remove more PEDAL PULSATES than 060 inch Continued 5 Disc brake shoes reversed steel 5 Replace rotor and shoes side of shoe riding on rotor 6 Shoes bent or linings worn 6 Replace shoes EXCESSIVE PEDAL 1 Malfunction in power brake unit 1 Check operation Refer to Power EFFORT REQUIRED Brake Units 2 Malfunction in front or rear 2 Check both brake systems and brake system dual master correct as required Check for cylinder such as wheel cylinder failed brake warning light if leaks defective brake lines caliper brake failure occurred and light piston seal leak master cylinder did not operate piston cups not holding pressure 3 Lining worn 3 Check and replace linings as required 4 Caliper piston s sticking 4 Rebuild ca liper s 5 Brake fade caused by incorrect or 5 Replace with correct or re non recommended linings commended lining 6 Incorrect master cylinder 6 Check and replace if required EXCESSIVE PEDAL 1 Low fluid level 1 Add fluid as required TRAVEL 2 Leak in system 2 Inspect and correct as required 3 Air in system 3 Bleed brakes 4 Rear brakes not adjusting prop 4 Adjust rear brakes and repair erly automatic adjusters 5 Worn lining 5 Replace linings lf wear is exces sive or premature check for in correct lining sticking caliper pistons binding park brake cables shoe drag on support plate weak retum springs on drum brakes improper rear brake adjustment 6 Bent or broken shoe 6 Replace as required 7 Master cylinder mounting bolts 7 Check and retighten loose 8 Rotor thickness or drum dia 8 Inspect measure and replace as meter below specification required sossae