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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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9 12 BRAKES ANI WHEELS r msc Brakes Survlca Dlaqnusls icamlnuanll Condition Possible Cause Correction PULLS WHEN BRAKES 1 Incorrect tire pressures 1 Inflate to spec ARE APPLIED 2 Mismatched tires on same axle 2 Install equal size type tires 3 Wheel bearings misadjusted or 3 Adjust or replace as required worn 4 Malfunction in caliper 4 Check for stuck piston 5 Damaged or contaminated shoe 5 Replace shoe and lining on both and lining grease on lining or sides Replace axle seals wheel bent shoe cylinder cups or caliper piston seals if leaking 6 Rear brake problem automatic 6 Inspect and repair or replace mal adjusters inoperable contamin functioning parts Check for equal ated lining defective wheel cyl size wheel cylinders on rear inders seized or improperly ad brakes justed park brake cables shoes binding on support plate linings worn linings charred or cracked bent support plate weak retract ing springs drums out of round 7 Loose calipers 7 Check mounting bolt torque in spect threads on bolts for galling or stripped threads check sup port plate for broken welds 8 Loose suspension parts 8 Inspect and correct as required 9 Front end out of alignment 9 Check and correct as required 10 Lining soaked with water after 10 Allow lining to air dry or while operation in heavy rains or driving keep brakes lightly ap flooding conditions plied to warm up lining and evaporate water I1 Disc brake rotor out of tolerance 11 Check and refinish or replace as required REAR DRUM BRAKES 1 Combination valve proportioner 1 Replace valve and bleed brakes SKID PREMATURELY section malfunction ring ON HARD BRAKE APPLICATION 2 Check items listed under PULLS 2 See PULLS and GRABBING and GRABBING SPONGY PEDAL 1 Air in system 1 Bleed brakes Inspect for broken lines loose fittings leaking cal iper pistons or wheel cylinders check rubber seal on master cylinder cover Check cover it self for distortion or cracks check all bleed valves for proper torque 2 Rear drums thin or cracked 2 Inspect and correct as required