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Technical Service Manual January 1975 |
9 I6 BRAKES MID WHEELS V I Millllllly 3 Install seal protector piston seal spring U Install replacement tube Seats it removed retainer and return spring on secondary piston fig using spare tube fitting nuts to press seats into place 9 1 t l1 pl n selgsggqsgf xi Tizgrgf D0 not allow seats to become cocked during installa cy in 0 Q en A y S a E tion Be sure seats are bottomed Remove tube fitting igggingtgrascggg zisigigi Zgaggigngiliiner and that nuts and check for burrs or chips Remove burrs or p p chips Rinse master cylinder in brake cleaning solvent 4 Lulmcate mast cvlmder bqre d d ry and blsw Oman passages with Csmprssssd sis piston seal and cups with brake fluid and install sec 2 Install piston cups on secondary piston Piston rv1 e b y Ylmd b cup installed in groove at end of piston should have lip 5 Lubricate seals on primary piston assembly facing away from piston Install next cup so lip faces with brake fluid and install assembly in master cylin piston fig 9 5 and 9 6 der bore coven nzumzn f A M SEAL ussn wma muon snxss ontv g mem cvtmnsn wsu non A Q PUSN Ron nzramzn Q sour O 5 SECONDARY PISTON SEAL 7 S 0 s i C s SECONDARY PISYON RETURN SPRING vnumav msmn Asszmstv svmuc nsumzn 5 WW fg sun mm snt vnoracmn O ssconnanv mrow V Gtsiz FI 9 5 Mum 0yIM r I2J IMM