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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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9 24 BRAKES ANI WHEELS r NOTE Ou mmks mrh Model 60 full hmring rear Amusrnuc scsew LEVER axle renmzwe han screws that locate rear drums rm XJ mm my s 1 7 i 13h Remove primary shoe return spring fig 9 16p Remove automatic adjuster actuating spring and sec V ondary shoe return spring using Spring Remover Tool 9 J 2057 g l1 q H j 441 Remove holddown springs and remove BRAKE brakeshoe assemblies On rear brakes disengage park g sTING L T v ing brake cable from parking brake lever Parking w scREWDRwER brake strut is removed with brakeshoe assemblies fig 9 im 15 Place Wheel Cylinder Clamps J 8002 over 22 2 wheel cylinders to retain pistons fig 9 18 Hg 9 15 nrgkgghqg Mlmgm suvwom une cup LINK 1 srmuc Ann exmunens Azsoor sLeeneR PISTON l SCREW r mMA vsu0e QQ Ann Lmmc c 0 I J f 0 PIN V 0 svnnvc gg l 0 cume PLATE e g W HEEL 6 N J J cvuunee I G lt 4 y V 4 L i il l Q e E s G q 9 i L it x R o V ggsiuc anne 0 J w c i ner v b L L s e sw unions snare Q5 Aurouumc LEVER G Amusven I seams A QSSEWQSEMBLV 5 N Rv i uownowu svmms Lmma Acwnmc LEVER AUTOMATIC ADJUSTER LEVER AND PIVOT Acrunuuc LEVER nerumv swarm FI 9 16 Drum Irnka AmmhIy l I mk Vl nn r Truck