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Technical Service Manual January 1975 |
9 30 BRAKES ANI WHEELS r 5255 44 E 0 w A Flu 9 Z4 Plstun Tr v I Ilnw and Vlom Llnlngs Z Any application or release of pressure on the brake l pedal causes only a very slight movement of the piston SH E AND I and Caliper Upon release of the pedal the pigtmr and Lmmc AssEMaLv O caliper return to an at rest position the brake lining O O does not retract any appreciable distance from the rotor This provides the advantages of improved brake O O response and reduced pedal travel The disc O brakeshoes operate at a zero clearance and continually O wipe the rotor free of foreign matter I O As the linings wear the piston extends farther out I of the caliper bore and the caliper repositions itself on the mounting bolts to maintain proper lining bo rotor O O relationship The caliper bore receives additional brake fluid to com ensate for lining wear and increased 5 wana ssnsok P M1 ml piston extension fig 9 24 Flu 9 25 Wear Sansa Lmtlan SERVICE V iQ esupen Dlsc Inks Slm Raplmmont Q A slippoml 1 Remove two thirds of brake fluid from front l e reservoir EIHEKE I l pc 2 Raise vehicle V 3 Remove front wheel and tire assemblies goggcrnowc 4 Place C clamp on caliper fig 9 28 Solid end i YY of clamp should contact back of caliper Screw end 3 s should contact metal part of outboard shoes Tighten rl 4 4 clamp until caliper moves far enough to force piston to vi ft 2 ii bottom of bore this will back shoes off rotor surface me BL EBER ii easing lining removal and installation Remove scnew l i E T R C clamp I I I l 5 Remove allen head mounting bolts fig 9 29 V3 1 and remove caliper fig 9 30 Place caliper on front r 6 3 7 spring or other suitable support Do not allow brake i j U hose to support weight of caliper BRAKE I 6 Remove both shoe ssa mini assemblies Re Lmmcs i V g T V se QQ V move support spring from inboard shoes Note spring l Lei Hug position for correct installation later fig 9 30 L 4 7 Remove sleeves from inboard ears of caliper Flu 9 26 Gallylr lnspccllan Pnrl Remove rubber bushings from all holes in caliper ears