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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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V BRAKES MID WHEELS 9 39 llvtrlnlinllon Do not reduce inflation pressure if the tires are hot or driven over 10 miles in excess of 60 mph Hot tire When a tire is overinflated increased tension P 9 11 9 may l 95 85 mlmh 89 6 Psi 0V wld l caused by excessive pressure prevents proper deflec Sums lf tire Pressure must he adjusted While h0 tion of the sidewalls This results in wear in the center temporarily set pressure at 6 psi 10 psi for sustained of the tread and the tire also loses its ability to absorb high speeds greater than these Specified ti1 such road shocks Under this increased strain cords in the time as cold inflation pressure can be checked and tread area eventually snap under impact causing a adjusted casing break The correct tire inflation pressures for any given set of driving conditions may be determined by referr ing to the Tire Inflation Pressure PSI Chart Itlullgnmull Excessive wheel camber can result in excessive wear on one side of the tire tread m n Front wheels require a specified amount of toe in However excessive toe in or toe out will cause the Rotate mes wary 5 0 0 miles sea figure 9 47 0 tires to scrub when the vehicle is moving straigh mmgjon Sequence tahead resulting in excessive tread wear The tires will show a feathered edge with excessive toe in or toe out QEIIHIIID Balunu I Cupping or bald spotting of tires is associated with E wear on a vehicle driven mostly at highway speeds E I1 without the recommended tire rotation inflation or S balance x I llllilll RHI lllEllT FRUIT TIN CIN rave rms sorsrnom CAUTION For satisfactory operation all four wheel drive vehicles MUST be equipped with the same size tires of equal circumference on all four wheels The lm mum tires must be inflated to proper factory recommended 1 2 pressures ut all times The intermiacing of tires of difi jerent construction or size can cause unusual handling road noise and damage to drive train components H 1 Correct tire pressures depend on tire size tire ply gross vehicle weight rating GVWR vehicle load and the type of driving Tire inflation should be checked and adjusted to 4 mam mm recommended pressures periodically at l St Fcnun Tone R0 rA n0N monthly especially when extreme temperature 20 Fl enAmAi 1me n0TATl0N in average seasonal temperature occur Tire inflation 1 r A BMS EELTEDTIRE F 0TAT GN pressures should be checked and adjusted when the Nuns tires are cold or driven less than two miles at mode rate speeds of less than 40 mph after the vehicle has been at rest for at least six hours Fig 9 47 Tlrl Mlllllln