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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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r STEEll llG I I 9 Turn Signal Continued TURN INDICATOR 1 lnoperative tum flasher 1 Replace turn flasher Note LIGHTS ON IN There are two flashers in the STRUMENT PANEL system Consult manual for ON BUT NOT location FLASHING 2 Loose chassis to column 2 Connect securely connection 3 Burned out or damaged front 3 Replace bulb or rear turn signal bulb 4 Inoperative turn signal switch 4 Replace tum signal switch 5 To determine if turn signal 5 Replace signal switch switch is defective substitute new switch into circuit and operate switch by hand If the vehicle s lights operate normally signal switch in inoperative 6 If the vehicle s lights do not 6 Repair chassis wiring as required operate check light sockets ming manual as guide for high resistance connections the chassis wiring for opens grounds etc FRONT OR REAR 1 Burned out or damaged tum 1 Replace bulb TURN SIGNAL signal bulb LIGHTS NOT FLASHING 2 High resistance connection to 2 Remove or repair defective ground at bulb socket connection 3 Loose chassis to column 3 Connect securely connector 4 Disconnect column to chassis 4 Replace turn signal switch connector Connect new switch into system and operate switch by hand If turn signal lights are now on and flash turn signal switch is inoperative 5 If vehicle lights do not operate 5 Repair chassis wiring as required check chassis wiring harness using manual as guide to light sockets for opens grounds etc