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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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SAE Brass Tuha Fllllngs service ln Use uarrmru armour semis R l l T l cme runinq sway robin Torque l l l iinmvormasi umn eaumm Brake Support Plate Mountln Bolt Front 9 2 1 8 45 5g Cherokee Wagoneer Truck 20 30 Z if 55 75 Brake suppon Plate Mounting Bon ami Nut 65 new sooo csvwn Truck 4 45 55 5 5 16 80 120 6 3 8 125 175 Brake Suppori Plate Mourning Bolt and Nut S U2 250 350 Rear Cherokee Wagoneer Truck 35 55 From Brake Support Plate Mounting Bolt 6 8 and Nui ci Models 4 35 55 Power Brake Unit to Spacer and Firewall unl Sll lll ll rcnemkee wagemr Truck 1e 2s Service In Use Recheck Torques should be used for checking Whee t Hub Nuts a pre torqued item CJ Models 65 90 Service Cherokee Wagoneer Truck 65 80 In Use 8000 GVWR Truck 110 125 Recheck Torques All torque values given in foot pounds with dry fits unless Bleecler Screw Wheel Cylinder l 4 Z8 4 4 30 9O in lbs otherwise specified Bleeder Screw Wheel Cylinder 5 16 24 4 4 40 140 in lbs Refer to the Standard Torque Specifications and Capscrew grave Shoe Or TubE m WhE jyhndey Markings Chart in Section A of this manual for any torque 3 a 24 120 zoo in lbs n ifl i rmt listed l v 66641 Tire lnllallnn Pressure PSI llliari Normal Load 1 Maximum Lond 2 Susrained Driving Susrained Driving cvw rrr Lua over as mph 1 U 65 over es mph la U 65 h Rating Sin Ranga rm m rm ma m Re N Rear CJ 5 USD F 78 rl5 B 24 24 20 20 32 32 32 32 15 x 6 Aluminum gl Bl l78 l 5 B D 24 24 20 20 28 ZS 24 24 15 x 6 Wheel is CM M50 HH78 r15 B 24 24 20 20 28 28 24 24 l5 6 15 7 Guoxls 0 40 40 30 30 50 50 40 40 16 6 wrmoneei i i7S 5 B D 26 25 22 22 32 32 32 32 15 x 6 Aluminum l 6025 Hl i78 l5 B 26 26 22 22 32 32 32 32 I5 x 6 Wheel is Crnnukee 10 00x15 B 30 30 20 20 40 40 30 30 15 8 I5 7 l l l7B ri5 B D 28 28 24 24 32 B2 32 32 15 r6 lll 6 J O 5025 Hnvzms ia ze 26 22 22 sz 32 az 32 is rr s 10 O1 r15 B 30 30 20 20 40 40 30 30 15xB 6 8 00 r1S 5 D 45 35 35 55 70 45 60 l6 5 x 6 5 1 sims c 40 so so 46 66 as as 16 0 X 6 9 50 rl65 35 35 70 45 60 16 5 x 6 75 7 me B 70 5 60 X 6 5000 9 50 1 5 D 45 35 55 70 45 60 16 5 rr 6 75 7 50 rl6 E 40 30 55 85 45 75 16 0 x 6 NOTE inline time w nl cold helore running Do nor roduce pressures if wires an wnrm Spud limind io 75 muh 11 Normal Load Fnquamlv nlecied amxeswriex plus driver and iwn passengers For CJ mod ls driv r md one passenger 2 Maximum Lo d Gross Vehicle Weight Rating GVWR 3 Sustained driving ov r 75 mph lov Cherokee anu Waganecr smug