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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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11 10 STEERING VI Tum Signal Continued Condition Possible Cause Correction STOP LIGHT NOT 1 Loose column to chassis 1 Connect securely ON WHEN TURN connection INDICATED 2 Disconnect column to chassis 2 Replace signal switch connector Connect new switch into system without removing old Operate switch by hand lf brake lights work with switch in the tum position signal switch is defective 3 If brake lights do not work 3 Repair connector to stop light check connector to stop light circuits using service manual sockets for grounds opens ele as guide TURN INDICATOR 1 Burned out bulbs 1 Replace bulbs PANEL LIGHTS NOT FLASHING 2 High resistance to ground at 2 Replace socket bulb socket 3 Opens grounds in wiring harnes 3 Locate and repair as required from front tum Signal bulb Use service manual as guide socket to indicator lights TURN SIGNAL 1 lnoperative turn signal flasher 1 Replace turn signal flasher LIGHTS FLASH VERY SLOWLY 2 System charging voltage low 2 Increase voltage to specified Use service manual 3 High resistance ground at 3 Repair high resistance grounds light sockets at light sockets 4 Loose chassis to column 4 Connect securely connection 5 Disconnect column to chassis 5 Replace signal switch connector Connect new switch into system without removing old Operate switch by hand If flashing occurs at normal rate the signal switch is defective 6 If the flashing rate is still 6 Locate and repair as required extremely slow check chassis Use service manual as guide wiring harness from the con nector to light sockets for grounds high resistance points etc soesei