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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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IXLES PHDPELLER SHAFTS l0 l3 e iw if iw l 9 s 4 2 9 i U e 2 e s I 2 A Va v V mar w t Q M 2A H w 24Nim Bari neu m rag 10 22 n cin gi 1 sn nennr1 y mr 10 Using hacksaw cut through oil seal Do not Dl Attach Ame Shaft Adapter T l J 25156 and damage seal contact surface Remove oil seal from Slide Hammer Handle J 2619 to axle shaft flange and axle Sham remove axle shaft fig I0 23 CAUTION Thoroughly lulwicate Axle Shaft Adapter A T 0N B We ele beereev we he been Tool 25156 flange maple tous and an mm 4 mo erlfrnm axle housmg points an holding Tmp before removing bearing from 6 Remove axle shaft oil seal from axle housing tube Shaft De mn s Wwer opemwd impact nwls Lube on flange adapter bolts ul Wipe eeel here i me h ei whe elem d 11 Attach Axle shaw Adapter ToolJ 25156 to axle StaH ml Seal usmg Dmee 25135 shaft using flange stud nuts Position flange adapter bolts against dimples of holding ring and alternately ii 5 g1 ngIi 1lfi LZ LZftgiziggzggggiietiixf tighten them until bearing is pressed from shaft fig Heal will transfer into the axle shaft bearing journal w 25 and weakwi it FLANGE ADAPTER Br Mount axle shaft assembly in vise BOLT QI Using chisel cut deep groove into retaining ring This will enlarge ring or split it allowing ring to if be driven off axle shaftlfig 10 24 N RING I yi Y Fl l W V i 2 Z A M A Y A AZ Ae A l 7 a gp e az 3 E A Mh a t ie A S v V ADAPTER PLATES 342303 A see 5 g ng w za nmevmqnxu sninnmnq AXLE nance A Punk mu ami Insullatlon Planned Snail 1 Inspect axle shaft oil seal journal for scratches FI9 I0 23 llumllvlnq F In d IXII Slllll Remove scratches with crocus cloth if necessary