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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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10 18 AXlES P l0PEl LEl SI IAFl S V raonr pinion enmno gi EERENT AL Fu noo iiii N L oinszm a z1u Q I vox TQ G V szumnocuv Q aAnino wk 4 REAR i i GU THRUST BLOCK Mliry mnnon sznninc Q f J c0u Aes s s Fmw L S mnion cnn r Xga rMBLv iw 24 c n on can nano ann mnaon mnusr U g E5 f mgm union MATE s so AF r AME Or SHN suA r x oirsxer EEQRING nu snzn r Ai COVER snmnc G cuv sn M szAi sam RzrA nER Fly In 33 Amwaup mr Axle CJ Inarhlsl 3 Install housing cover after removing nut X Secure cover with two bolts to prevent pinion gear 700 from dropping when it is driven out J Z 7m 4 Remove pinion oil seal tap end of pinion gear x with fiber hammer to free front bearing cone from pinion gear and remove bearing NOTE A collapsible spacer is used to control pinion K l 1 bearing preload Discard this spacer it is not f misssie e W 5 Remove housing cover pinion gear and rear 5 r bearingfrom housing 1 xx i ii i T r Plnlan Rarlurlng Cup Fbmml Qi VV 1 Remove rear bearing cup using Driver Handle i l k 1 J 8592 and Cup Remover J 21786 4 F NOTE Pinion depth adjustment shims are located behind rear bearing cup Tag shims for assembly uno reference 2 Remove front bearing cup using Driver Handle Fig 10 3I I1 mnvin I1I1i r n1I I Ilnrlnq J 8592 and Cup Remover J 21787