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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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11 4 STEERING r Ignition System Condition Possible Cause Correction ELECTRICAL 1 Poor battery connection 1 Connect securely SYSTEM WILL NQT FUNCTIQN 2 Connector body loose or 2 Tighten or replace defective 3 Defective wiring 3 Repair or replace 4 Defective ignition switch 4 Replace ignition switch 5 Ignition switch not adjusted 5 Adjust switch properly SWITCH WILL 1 Defective ignition switch 1 Replace switch NOT ACTUATE MECHANICALLY SWITCH CANNOT 1 Switch remote rod deformed 1 Repair straighten or replace BE ADJUSTED CORRECTLY 2 Sector to rack engaged in 2 Engage correctly wrong tooth Iinlumn Condition Possible Cause Correction NOISE IN COLUMN 1 Coupling bolts not tightened 1 Tighten pinch bolts to 30 ft lbs torque 2 Column not correctly aligned 2 Align column 3 Coupling pulled apart 3 Align column and replace coupling 4 Broken lower joint 4 Repair or replace joint and align column 6 Hom contact ring not lubricated 5 Lubricate with multipurpose grease 6 Lack of grease on bearings or 6 Lubricate with multipurpose bearing surfaces grease 7 Lower shaft bearing worn or 7 Replace bearing Check shaft broken and replace if scored 8 Upper shaft bearing worn or 8 Replace bearing assembly broken 9 Shaft lock plate cover loose 9 Tighten three screws to 15 in llx torque or if missing replace CAUTION Use specified screws only soessc