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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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11 16 sTEEi1i1ic rn JE 1 acumen swnrcu lE TE V t l k V l 1 e A i Xg M6 do x Q 4 3 7 S A s x 1 v X K g Wn tl K mess 60667 Fig 11 11 itamovlng Installing Ignition Switch Fig 11 13 Iiuinovlng Inmillng Shroud F vi Y T i 1 V 1 J mi 5 Y i iw 74 s Y K A M 3 r 1 lt QW so if l wl lv l Qt 1 f 3 i on l sf N j j eg kx QV g V g tx 59536 60668 Flg 11 12 iiunovtng Installing iiouslng Fig 11 1I Wm Wash r Position 17 Remove three screws attaching shroud to hous 21 Remove sector through lock cylinder hole in ing fig 11 3 and separate parts housing Push on block tooth of sector with blunt 18 Remove wave washer from release lever pivot punch to remove fig 11 17 and remove release lever and spring fig 11 14 19 Remove rack and lock bolt assembly fig NOTE Although steps 1 through 23 can beperfor 11 15 med with the column in the vehicle steps 24 mul 25 20 Remove rack preload spring fig 11 16 can be performed only ifthe column is removed