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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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r sTEE11lNG 11 21 uvvzn snnnuc vnerosn svnmu 5 Nur p J Arm ruei r covzn BEAMNG SN mm g Loca PLATE e cAucei uuc csm SWITCH wssuen g seems sEcT0 Q ci e 4 runu sional syvncu sr iArT R 1 wm pn L T 0l siNG Pnouiqnii VIVVI seams y k seniors U Ron 1 y Ar M A igx Wrunusr R vi 4 son cu if r l J s owt Locx r V V e A mers WASHER si un one V s R U as V e BEAR qw JACKET uonmou swrrcn Jy r S smc f1 i l li ex s uF r ruse or sf rg 1 fi r f all WASHER r 3 2 Tx SEAL V P Wg sesame e A V Ameron V 9 s J naumes K sesame X sraznmc smxn szcsc Flu I1 28 Smrlnq I2nIumn AmnmatIc Transmlssinn 15 Remove lower column bracket and plastic har up HARNESS To ness protector from column jacket PREVENT NAGG NG 16 Wrap piece of tape around upper harness con nector to prevent snagging and remove harness figl 11 29 17 Place key in ON position and remove key war 1 ning buzzer contacts using wire hook paper clip with v right angle bend or needlenose pliers fig 11 9 Q CAUTION Do not attempt to remove switch f g separately as spring coujhllinto column I 18 Place key in LOCK position depress key cylin ii o si der retaining tab and remove lock cylinder fig Em Hq 11 29 Slunal Switch Ihrnm Ihmuval NOTE If mb is not visible through slot scrape cvr knock flushing from slot fig 1 1 10 20 Remove four upper housing attaching screws and remove upper housing Remote lock rod and 19 Remove ignition switch from lower end of automatic column shift quadrant light wire if equip jacket ped will be removed with upper housing