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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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II 30 STEERING V Sarvica Dlagnusls Condition Possible Cause Correction HARD STEERING 1 Incorrect tire pressure 1 Adjust 2 Lack of lubrication 2 Lubricate steering linkage 3 Tie rod ends worn 3 Replace 4 Drag link ball joints tight 4 Adjust 5 Steering gear parts worn 5 Replace 6 Frozen steering shaft bearings 6 Replace bearings 7 Lower coupling flange rubbing 7 Loosen bolt and assemble against steering shaft properly 8 Steering gear adjusted incor 8 Check adjustment Disconnect rectly pitman arm from gear or dis connect linkage from pitman arm and adjust gear if necessary 9 Front spring sagged 9 Check front end jounce height It should be approximately the same at both wheels Replace front springs if sagged 10 Frame bent or broken 10 Repair frame as necessary 11 Steering knuckle bent 11 Install new knuckle 12 Ball joint galled or too tight 12 Replace ball joint 13 Steering knuckle ball studs 13 Reset studs binding 14 iteering gear or connections 14 xisgeigeggngogsczrgjyifh inding and lubricate LOOSE STEERING 1 Tie rod ends worn 1 Replace 2 Drag link ball sockets worn 2 Replace 3 Steering gear parts worn 3 Replace 4 Steering gear improperly 4 Adjust adjusted EXCESSIVE 1 Axle clip loose 1 Repair as necessary ROAD SHOCK 2 Wheel bearings loose 2 Repair as necessary 3 Shock absorbers worn 3 Replace comm