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Technical Service Manual January 1975
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yl STEERING I 1 45 Survica Diagnosis Staarlng Gear and Pump Condition Possible Cause Correction HISSING NOISE IN 1 There is some noise in all power 1 Slight hiss is normal and in no STEERING GEAR steering systems One of the WW affects l l g most common is a hissing sound most evident at standstill park ing There is no relationship between this noise and per formance of the steering Hiss may be expected when steer ing wheel is at end of travel or when slowly tuming at standstill RATTLE OR CHUCKLE 1 Gear loose on frame 1 Check gear to frame mounting NOISE IN STEERING screws Tighten screws to 65 GEAR foot pounds torque Z Steering linkage looseness 2 Check linkage pivot points for wear Replace if necessary 3 Pressure hose touching other pans Oy cmg 3 Adjust hose position Do not bend tubing by hand MI g n M 4 Adjust 0 specifications NOTE A slight rattle may occur on tums because of increased clearance off the high point This is normal and clearance must not be reduced below specified limits to eliminate this slight rattle 5 Loose pitman arm 5 Tighten pitman arm nut to specifications SQUAWK NOISE IN 1 Damper O ring on valve spool 1 Replace damper O 1ring STEERING GEAR cut WHEN TURNING OR RECOVERING FROM A TURN CHIRP NOISE IN 1 Loose or damaged belt 1 Adjust belt tension or re STEERING PUMP place belt BELT SQUEAL 1 Loose or damaged belt 1 Adjust belt tension or re PARTICULARLY place belt NOTICEABLE AT FULL WHEEL TRAVEL AND STAND STILL PARKING